ArchivesPortalEuropeFoundation / EAG2012

Maintenance of EAG2012, the Encoded Archival Guide for describing institutions with archival holdings
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[Major revision] Move <relations> and adapt the element to the model introduced by EAC-CPF 2.0 #103

Open kerstarno opened 1 year ago

kerstarno commented 1 year ago

Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above. Delete the part of the issue template that does not apply depending on whether you describe a change to an existing element / attribute or the addition of a new one.

Creator of issue

State your name, organisation and ways to reach you. Name: Kerstin Arnold Organisation: Archives Portal Europe Foundation, Working Group on Standards Email: GitHub username (if applicable): @kerstarno

Changes to existing element / attribute

Give the current name of the element / attribute. Include the tag name and the full name.

Change in context

List all parent elements to which the element / attribute should be added. Furthermore, list all parent elements from which the element / attribute should be removed.

Remove from

Parent element(s): <eag>

Add to

Parent element(s): <repository> (0..1), <repositories> (0..1)

Change in content model (elements)

List all sub-elements and attributes that should be removed from or added to the element's content model.


Sub-element(s): <resourceRelation>, <eagRelation> Attributes (with default values, if applicable): n/a


Sub-element(s): <relation> (1..n), <descriptiveNote> (0..1) Attributes (with default values, if applicable): base (0); audience with values "external" and "internal" (0), id (0), languageOfElement (0), scriptOfElement (0), target (0); conventionDeclarationReference (0), maintenanceEventReference (0), sourceReference (0)

Example of XML code

Provide a sample encoding in XML of the new / changed element (with potential attributes). Write your text after the "Example:" below. Example:

<relations audience="external" id="rels1" languageOfElement="eng" scriptOfElement="Latn" target="#rep1" conventionDeclarationReference="#cDR1" maintenanceEventReference="#mER1" sourceReference="#sR1" base="">
  <relation audience="external" id="rel1" languageOfElement="eng" scriptOfElement="Latn" target="#rep1" 
  conventionDeclarationReference="#cDR1" maintenanceEventReference="#mER1" sourceReference="#sR1">
    <targetEntity targetType="person" valueURI="page/ulan/500280079" vocabularySource="Getty ULAN">
      <part localType="surname">Hepburn</part>
      <part localType="firstname">Katharine</part>
  <relation audience="external" id="rel2" languageOfElement="eng" scriptOfElement="Latn" target="#rep1" 
  conventionDeclarationReference="#cDR1" maintenanceEventReference="#mER1" sourceReference="#sR1">
    <targetEntity targetType="function" valueURI="aat/300264355" vocabularySource="Getty AT">
kerstarno commented 1 year ago

In terms of conversion, the current encoding

  <resourceRelation resourceRelationType="creatorOf (or "subjectOf" or "other")" href="link (resource)">
    <relationEntry>relation entry 1 (resource)</relationEntry>
    <relationEntry>relation entry 2 (resource)</relationEntry>
    <date></date> or <dateRange>[...]</dateRange> or <dateSet>[...]</dateSet>
    <placeEntry>place entry 1 (resource)</placeEntry>
    <placeEntry>place entry 2 (resource)</placeEntry>
  <eagRelation eagRelationType="hierarchical-child (or "hierarchical-parent" or "temporal-earlier" or "temporal-later" or 
  "associative")" href="link (eag)">
    <relationEntry>relation entry 1 (eag)</relationEntry>
    <relationEntry>relation entry 2 (eag)</relationEntry>
    <date></date> or <dateRange>[...]</dateRange> or <dateSet>[...]</dateSet>

would become

    <targetEntity targetType="resource" valueURI="link (resource)">
      <part>relation entry 1 (resource)</part>
      <part>relation entry 2 (resource)</part>
    <date></date> or <dateRange>[...]</dateRange> or <dateSet>[...]</dateSet>
      <placeName>place entry 1 (resource)</placeName>
      <placeName>place entry 2 (resource)</placeName>
    <relationType valueURI=" (or 
    "" or 
    "")">is creator of (RiC-R027i) OR is or was subject of (RiC-R019i) 
    OR is related to (RiC-R001)</relationType>
    [<objectBinWrap removed without replacement]
    <targetEntity targetType="corporateBody" valueURI="link (eag)">
      <part>relation entry 1 (eag)</part>
      <part>relation entry 2 (eag)</part>
    <date></date> or <dateRange>[...]</dateRange> or <dateSet>[...]</dateSet>
    <relationType valueURI=" (or 
    "" or 
    "" or 
    "" or 
    "")">has child (RiC-R018) OR is child of (RiC-
    R018i) OR has ancestor (RiC-R017i) OR has descendant (RiC-R017) OR is agent associated with agent (RiC-R044)