ArchivesPortalEuropeFoundation / EAG2012

Maintenance of EAG2012, the Encoded Archival Guide for describing institutions with archival holdings
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[Major revision] Updates to date elements #127

Open kerstarno opened 1 year ago

kerstarno commented 1 year ago

Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above. Delete the part of the issue template that does not apply depending on whether you describe a change to an existing element / attribute or the addition of a new one.

Creator of issue

State your name, organisation and ways to reach you. Name: Kerstin Arnold Organisation: Archives Portal Europe Foundation, Working Group on Standards Email: GitHub username (if applicable): @kerstarno

Changes to existing element / attribute

Give the current name of the element / attribute. Include the tag name and the full name. Name: <date>, <dateRange>, <fromDate>, <toDate>, <dateSet>

Change in context

List all parent elements to which the element / attribute should be added. Furthermore, list all parent elements from which the element / attribute should be removed.

Change in content model (elements)

List all sub-elements and attributes that should be removed from or added to the element's content model.


kerstarno commented 1 year ago

For conversion within the date elements themselves, the main aspects to keep in mind are:

E.g. the current encoding:

    <date standardDate="1917" notBefore="1915" notAfter="1919" xml:lang="[language for date] localType="[localType for date]" source="[source for date]">1917</date>
    <dateRange localType="[localType of dateRange]">
      <fromDate standardDate="1919" notBefore="1917" notAfter="1921" source="[source for fromDate]">1919</fromDate>
      <toDate standardDate="1945" notBefore="1943" notAfter="1947" source="[source for toDate]">1945</toDate>


    <source id="source1">
      <reference>source for date</reference>
    <source id="source2">
      <reference>source for fromDate</reference>
    <source id="source3">
      <reference>source for toDate</reference>
    <date standardDate="1917" notBefore="1915" notAfter="1919" languageOfElement="[language for date] localType="[localType for date]" sourceReference="#source1">1917</date>
     <dateRange localType="[localType of dateRange]">
       <fromDate standardDate="1919" notBefore="1917" notAfter="1921" sourceReference="#source2">1919</fromDate>
       <toDate standardDate="1945" notBefore="1943" notAfter="1947" sourceReference="#source3">1945</toDate>