ArchivesPortalEuropeFoundation / EAG2012

Maintenance of EAG2012, the Encoded Archival Guide for describing institutions with archival holdings
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[Major revision] <control> #36

Open kerstarno opened 4 years ago

kerstarno commented 4 years ago

Creator of issue

State your name, organisation and ways to reach you. Name: Kerstin Arnold Organisation: Archives Portal Europe Foundation, Working Group on Standards Email: GitHub username (if applicable): @kerstarno

Current status

EAC-CPF / EAD3 reconciliation

This section relates the revision of EAG 2012 to the ongoing major revision of the related standard EAC-CPF. There also might be references to the expected major revision of EAD3 in future.

kerstarno commented 4 years ago

An updated encoding for the element <control> (with indication of mandatory and optional sub-elements) could then look like this:

<control maintenanceStatus="new" audience="external" base="" 
id="e2" target="cD1" languageOfElement="spa" scriptOfElement="Latn" publicationStatus="inProcess" detailLevel="extended" countryEncoding="iso3166-1" dateEncoding="iso8601" languageEncoding="ietf-bcp-47" 
repositoryEncoding="iso15511" scriptEncoding="iso15924">
   <agent agentType="human">...</agent>
 <languageDeclaration languageCode="..." scriptCode="..."/>

Subject to further review and decision of the Archives Portal Europe Foundation's Working Group on Standards.

kerstarno commented 1 year ago

For conversion, the main aspects to keep in mind are: