Archtec-io / bugtracker

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Report by _mgtb_: TA5 tank used as a input in a chemical reactor. ... #193

Open Archtec-Bot opened 2 months ago

Archtec-Bot commented 2 months ago

Report by mgtb: TA5 tank used as a input in a chemical reactor. After using once, and it consumes all liquid, cannot put a different liquid in it. Have to remove it and place it again before putting another liquid. (already had the same issue in another server)


    y = 1.5,
    z = -4775.0307617188,
    x = -4658.9853515625


    fields = {
        techage_forceload_blocks = "return {{y=-17,z=-4760,x=-4629},{y=4,z=-4760,x=-4634},{y=17,z=-4788,x=-4644},{y=17,z=-4788,x=-4658}}",
        ["unified_inventory:bags"] = "local _={};_[1]=\"unified_inventory:bag_large\";return {_[1],_[1]}",
        ["stamina:exhaustion"] = "6.5",
        bone_waypoints = "return {}",
        ["stamina:level"] = "10",
        ["customskins:skin"] = "return {misc=\"misc_default.png\",bodyB=\"body2_default.png\",hair=\"hair_default.png\",face=\"face_default.png\",bodyA=\"body1_default.png\",base=\"skin_default.png\",legs=\"legs_default.png\",shoes=\"shoes_default.png\"}",
        ["3d_armor_inventory"] = "return {\"3d_armor:helmet_cactus 1 52500\",\"3d_armor:chestplate_cactus 1 52500\",\"3d_armor:leggings_cactus 1 52500\",\"3d_armor:boots_cactus 1 52500\",\"\",\"\"}"

Server status:

Archtec: version: 5.8.0 | uptime: 4d 1h 58min 21s | max lag: 0.778s | clients (4/20): normen, _mgtb_, mrBear, kaba

Teleport command:

/teleport -4659,2,-4775
Niklp09 commented 1 month ago

mgtb uses TA 4 tanks. I wasn't able to reproduce this w/ them ingame.