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Report by EDWIR: Feature request: Add a recipe to compress/bake ... #215

Open Archtec-Bot opened 3 days ago

Archtec-Bot commented 3 days ago

Report by EDWIR: Feature request: Add a recipe to compress/bake 9 bones to coral skeleton/silver sandstone. This recipe would enable to make currenly tedious to gather silver sand a renewable resource.


    y = 26.5,
    z = -1812.1779785156,
    x = 4618.076171875


    fields = {
        autobahn_isactive = "0",
        bone_waypoints = "return {}",
        ["sethome:home"] = "(4617.8012695313,26.5,-1812.5329589844)",
        ["unified_inventory:bags"] = "local _={};_[1]=\"unified_inventory:bag_large\";return {_[1],_[1],_[1],_[1]}",
        techage_ex_points = "110",
        ["customskins:skin"] = "return {misc=\"misc_none.png\",base=\"skin_default.png\",legs=\"legs_2.png\",face=\"face_7.png\",hair=\"hair_5.png\",bodyA=\"body1_1.png\",bodyB=\"body2_10.png\",shoes=\"shoes_none.png\"}",
        cart_pos = "(4572,14,-1802)",
        ["3d_armor_inventory"] = "return {\"shields:shield_crystal 1 20980\",\"3d_armor:helmet_crystal 1 20980\",\"3d_armor:chestplate_crystal 1 20980\",\"3d_armor:leggings_crystal 1 20980\",\"3d_armor:boots_mithril 1 18368\",\"\"}",
        ["stairsplus:max_offered"] = "99",
        player_physics_locked = "0",
        ["stamina:level"] = "18",
        techage_prog_numbers = "return {\"40143\"}",
        techage_forceload_blocks = "return {{y=20,z=-1832,x=4602},{y=21,z=-1815,x=4600},{y=24,z=-1831,x=4613},{y=20,z=-1816,x=4612}}",
        towercrane_isoperator = "0",
        ["stamina:exhaustion"] = "13.5",
        ["signslib:pos"] = "(4602,26,-1811)",
        ["stairsplus:shape_groups"] = "[\"legacy\"]"

Server status:

Archtec: version: 5.9.1 | uptime: 1d 6h 1min 3s | max lag: 0.115s | clients (6/20): CinnamonCrisp, Juliette, Niklp, EDWIR, Thi3rry_Fr, Ghatti

Teleport command:

/teleport 4618,27,-1812
Niklp09 commented 11 hours ago

Additional comment by Edwir:

Obtaining bones can be currently achieved mostly through mining coral or digging up dirt, which can be automated, however this method heavily relies on chance and some setup with sign_bots in turn making it really in efficient and balancing the recipe from becoming overpowered, since for small projects it still would be faster to gather it by hand. Also in my opinion that would add yet another thing to automate, which me as well as (probably) player base of Archtec really enjoys.