Archtica / RADii

Repository for RADii releases
3 stars 1 forks source link Grashopper Grafted animaton #105

Open gesievi opened 2 months ago

gesievi commented 2 months ago

Hey thomas, i like the animation tool and it works.

However its not very intuitive, i though i could just come at it like any grasshopper script and give it two lists of lists as in the picture below. Then Brep of (0;0) would be animated with planes of (0;0), Brep of (0;1) with the respective planes and so forth. I think "entwine" feels like a detour. What was the rational behind this decision ? Maybe its just me that finds this counter intuitive.


Archtica commented 1 month ago

Yes good point! I am aware of this and it is counter intuitive in a way. Unfortunately RADii output content is not graftable. It will mess with the correlation with the viewers that expects content per component. I have thought about a solution, but it will take a lot to reconfigure, but It's on the list!

gesievi commented 1 month ago

In this case i would not prioritise it, as it is working currently.

Archtica commented 1 month ago

I gave it some more thought and I think I have a realative easy solution. I think all radii components shoiuld be able to output grafted content. That means we can save components rather than one per single collection. I will work on it for a later release. I'm just abouyt ready to ship the next beta that has the new PublishReference component.