Archtica / RADii

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v0.38-beta.4 publish reference publish controll bug #117

Closed gesievi closed 3 weeks ago

gesievi commented 1 month ago
  1. A batch of references is loaded invisible into the scene
  2. First half of the references are quickly Toggled visible - NO EFFECT STILL INVISIBLE
  3. All references are quickly toggled visible - ONE SMAL REFERENCE VISIBLE FROM STEP 2 is visible
  4. going back between 2. and 3. yields no results
  5. CLEAR
  6. A batch of references is loaded invisible into the scene
  7. WAIT 2-3 seconds
  8. First half of the references are Toggled visible- NO EFFECT STILL INVISIBLE
  9. All references are quickly toggled visible - SECOND HALF IS VISIBLE
  10. First half of the references are Toggled visible- HIDES SECOND HALF BUT DOES NOT SHOW THE FIRST
  12. First half of the references are Toggled visible- SHOWS REFERENCES SUCCESSFULLY
  13. All references are quickly toggled visible - SHOWS ALL REFERENCES SUCCESSFULLY

This could be a reminand of the already closed #115

Archtica commented 1 month ago

Thanks G! The fix that I just did definitely solves the initial not coming on. Keep the scenario test that you just showed around and then I will upload a new beta tonight. Then run the test again. I will also try again.

Archtica commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed in new beta