Arcitectus / Sanderling

APIs and libraries to read information directly from the EVE Online game client.
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Compilation error: Ambiguous MainStep #39

Closed raoulkent closed 6 years ago

raoulkent commented 6 years ago

After editing SetMiningSiteBookmark, UnloadBookmark & RetreatBookmark to test bookmarks in-game - then attempting to Play the script I get a error as follows:

"CaptionString": "System.Exception: compilation error: (64,29): error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'MainStep()' and 'MainStep()'\r\n at BotSharp.ScriptRun.ScriptRun.<>c__DisplayClass61_0.<Start>b__0()", "LineIndex": 63, "CharacterIndexInLine": 28, "LineIndexInAvalonEdit": 64, "CharacterIndexInLineInAvalonEdit": 29

Viir commented 6 years ago

This looks like a compilation error, indicating that the script is not valid C#. Do you have a link to a diff view with the file from as base?

Viir commented 6 years ago

Do you have more than one MainStep methods in your script?

raoulkent commented 6 years ago

Ah, I identified the issue. I had imported the code twice, resulting in duplicates of all function names, therefore causing a ambiguity problem.

After clearing the 'edit script' area and re-importing everything is working fine.