Arcitectus / Sanderling

APIs and libraries to read information directly from the EVE Online game client.
Apache License 2.0
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Sanderling code not accessible to others. #60

Closed mfp20 closed 5 years ago

mfp20 commented 5 years ago

I'd like to adopt Sanderling and to do that I need to experiment but ... I can't. Because:

1) the 'Sanderling/lib' directory is full of binary libraries that are referenced in all the available source files. What is Bib3.dll? Where can I find information about those libs? How can I build those?

2) ICanReadCamel but some of the code is written in CamelGerman and I can't read german. Scheisse :)

3) Docs that could fill the gap are ... missing. Example: the MemoryMeasurement wiki page.

Is there a way to help you in making the project more accessible?


Viir commented 5 years ago

the 'Sanderling/lib' directory is full of binary libraries that are referenced in all the available source files. What is Bib3.dll? Where can I find information about those libs?

This was introduced to compensate for missing features of the .NET Framework and C#. Since the addition of null propagation, tuples and out vars in the recent years, I do not see why we would need it in this case.

ICanReadCamel but some of the code is written in CamelGerman and I can't read german. Scheisse :)

Where did you find such code?

Docs that could fill the gap are ... missing. Example: the MemoryMeasurement wiki page.

Thank you for reporting the missing link. You can now find this page at

You can also read more about the Differences between MemoryMeasurement, MemoryMeasurementParsed and MemoryMeasurementAccu at

Viir commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to help you in making the project more accessible?

Thank you for offering to help 👍 I guess the first step would be sharing your goal, everything else depends on that.

mfp20 commented 5 years ago
  1. Ok, but maybe we can write the missing features and get rid of those binaries!

  2. The code in german is everywhere. I can't point a file now; and the source I've seen was calling german functions in the binary dlls. I also tried to look at the dlls symbols and they are in german.

  3. That page is not a broken link, it's an uncomplete page. And it is just an example; docs are uncomplete. If I can understand how sanderling works, I can finish those pages. But I can't do it, if I can't even read the code because of binaries/german.

About my goal: not any in particular. I was digging into the code trying to figure out how sanderling can dump and analyse the memory. A memory dump of the running game client is 1.8GB! There must be some black magic in order to make it reasonably fast.

More in general I couldn't find a proper helper app for gaming purposes; something I could set on my second monitor to organize the information in my way. I don't want to use the web APIs as I don't see the advantage for me to ask (again) to an Amazon, MS IIS web server, in US, an information that I already have on my computer. And I see a lot of disadvantages instead in relying on apps that do that asking me to enter my API key; first because of my privacy concerns. So I started to search for the components to make one myself. I've been able to decompile about 50mb of python, and sniff the game traffic with a transparent ssl proxy; and I can attach a memory scanner to the process. But I can't find patterns to identify data structures, strings and graphical elements both in memory and in the network traffic. Graphic elements is not a big issue as I don't really need them; I'm not making an alternative client; and I can extract them easily. But the information in memory is strictly needed. So, before proceeding with a painful reverse engineering that will keep me without going out of home and cut my beard/nails for the next 2 weeks … I thought that sanderling could be used to identify and extract the info I need. I don't want, of course, tamper the client; so no dll injection or heavily automated operations. Just extracting info from memory/network.

Viir commented 5 years ago

I was digging into the code trying to figure out how sanderling can dump and analyse the memory. [...] So, before proceeding with a painful reverse engineering that will keep me without going out of home and cut my beard/nails for the next 2 weeks … I thought that sanderling could be used to identify and extract the info I need. I don't want, of course, tamper the client; so no dll injection or heavily automated operations. Just extracting info from memory/network.

In this case, I can recommend this guide about memory reading specifically in the Eve Online client:

mfp20 commented 5 years ago

I don't have time to study it properly but after a quick view looks exactly what I was looking for. Thank you, you saved me from going 2 weeks in berserk! Maybe you saved my marriage also :P

After have studied that part I'll need the same docs for sanderling's virtual input device. Here the thing is a bit more complicated than that: I've a minimum of 3 complex hid devices - from different brands sigh - I'd like to join into a virtual single device with multiple analog axis and plenty keys. I tried to find a 'virtual device driver'; some kind of low-latency proxy; but I couldn't find any. But sanderling offers a virtual device already. Any good pointer about it?

Viir commented 5 years ago

But sanderling offers a virtual device already. Any good pointer about it?

No idea, I have no experience with this virtual device.

Viir commented 5 years ago

There is a guide on using virtual devices at