When using Arctica repo (deb http://packages.arctica-project.org/ubuntu xenial main) with libnx (and previous)
if you suspend a session where your keyboard mapping was azerty - FR for example, when you resume the session, the keyboard mapping becomes qwerty - US.
I suppose US keymap is the default one but it seems restoring the session doesn't retain this environment setting while it works as expected with X2Goserver without Arctica.
X2go bug 1151 (http://bugs.x2go.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1151):
When using Arctica repo (deb http://packages.arctica-project.org/ubuntu xenial main) with libnx (and previous) if you suspend a session where your keyboard mapping was azerty - FR for example, when you resume the session, the keyboard mapping becomes qwerty - US.
I suppose US keymap is the default one but it seems restoring the session doesn't retain this environment setting while it works as expected with X2Goserver without Arctica.