Arcticons-Team / Arcticons

A monotone line-based icon pack for android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Better categorisation #1938

Open Donnnno opened 6 months ago

Donnnno commented 6 months ago

Basically have some more categories so that the user can search the app more quickly, like:

The challenge would be how to do it with the automatic sorting.

TotallyAvailable commented 6 months ago

Given that you probably already considered the one obvious way that's already in use and me currently not being available, I'm not going to suggest it as the best way to go.

While the additional step for every new contribution "Please add one of the following categories [google_, microsoft_, games_, ...] in front of the drawable name ["category_iconname"] most likely to apply to the app. Do the same with [category_iconname.svg]" would be manageable, every added (useful) category obviously requires a LOT more manual work dealing with the existing Icons, eventually making the existing letter sorting somewhat weird looking as well. Although 'google' could obviously still be listed in 'G' to avoid forcing people to jump around if they prefer/are used to the current sorting, the entire [Games] section under [G] as well would probably be less ideal. Might not apply to every category of course and for the possibility to continue traditional sorting by skipping the new 'category' tag ([Games] games_mindustry + [M] Mindustry) ? No idea.

Inspiration could obviously be taken from the sorting Izzy or F-Droid are using, including a somewhat automatic renaming of some of the existing entries.

I do like the idea though.


Anyone not aware of the current method

elif new.groups(0)[0].startswith('calendar_'):

Would allow for

Kinda the way I have been labeling Icons for other Icon Packs with '_icon' or mostly korean based apps with '_kr'. (mostly to avoid future conflicts)

Obviously leads to a bunch of potential issues and conflicts (depending on the categories chosen).

Donnnno commented 5 months ago

I've added a Google and Microsoft line in the preparerelease script, so that should be covered now.

I don't think it's a good idea to add a game_ or system_ prefix for everything. We should probably add it by hand if we do something like that. But we have to find a way so that the automatic sorting / adding of icons doesn't mess with those categories.

TotallyAvailable commented 5 months ago

One actually "obvious" and probably quite useful would be an "Alt" category which lists every '_alt_x' currently in the pack.

Donnnno commented 1 week ago

I just had a thought. It still requires many manual edits, but worth a shot, maybe.

What if the preparereleasescript starts with all the normal stuff: new, calendar, emoji, brands etc. and after that searches through a different file, for example a game category.

In the game category file is a list that can be edited, so everyone can add additions to it.


After the script has done that, it continues with the last part, ordering everything. That way, the specific categories won't get overridden with each release.

Kaiserdragon2 commented 1 week ago

That would be possible the good thing with this would be that the files don't need to be renamed

Donnnno commented 1 week ago

Exactly, that was that I was thinking too :)

Donnnno commented 6 days ago

I've added a simple XML file called games.xml to test with. However, I tried to understand how the preparereleasescript works, but just can't wrap my head around it. 🙃 So I decided to add the label help wanted, for anyone who likes to figure out how the better categorization system should work.

Kaiserdragon2 commented 6 days ago

I will write up something just need a bit of time. The games.xml already helps to test it.

Kaiserdragon2 commented 6 days ago
