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timeout suggestions #1564

Closed dustymc closed 4 years ago

dustymc commented 6 years ago

Move the stuff in the timeout page to - uhh, somewhere.

dustymc commented 6 years ago

Here's the current timeout message.

screen shot 2018-06-18 at 9 46 45 am

How do we make it better?

ccicero commented 6 years ago

Adding to this comment the issue of timing out when searching by "Any Geographic Element" and "Any taxon, ID, common name" - people are trying that and it's not working, then they get frustrated and contact us.

Jegelewicz commented 6 years ago

How do we make it better?

Start with this: How to write a great error message

capture Write an alert message that describes the alert situation clearly and succinctly. An alert message such as “An error occurred” is mystifying to all users and is likely to annoy experienced users. (…) Write informative text that elaborates on the consequences and suggests a solution or alternative. Give as much information as necessary to explain why the user should care about the situation. (…) Informative text is best when it includes a suggestion for fixing the problem. (…) Express everything in the user’s vocabulary. An alert is an especially bad place to be cryptic or to use esoteric language, because the arrival of an alert can be very unsettling. (…) It’s a good idea to avoid using OK for the default button. The meaning of OK can be unclear even in alerts that ask if users are sure they want to do something. For example, does OK mean “OK, I want to complete the action” or “OK, I now understand the negative results my action would have caused”?

And on that note, here is my suggestion:

Get rid of the flaming computer - it is distressing. Instead just put the Arctos bear so that it is easy for a user to see that the alert is coming from Arctos. If possible, put an exclamation mark in the bear to indicate there was a problem...

Message text: Arctos query time is limited and your search has timed out. Please refine your search terms and try again.

For more information on searching Arctos read Conducting a Search.

Suggestions for refining your search include:

If you are experiencing time out issues after attempting to refine your search, please contact us.

Return to Arctos Search

dustymc commented 6 years ago

people are trying that and it's not working, then they get frustrated

Alternatively, they search for an island group in the obvious place and don't find anything because we did something weird ( or search by taxonomy and get part of the woodfrogs ( and never find the rest (

The "any..." search terms absolutely cause problems, but they also address bigger (to some users, some of the time, anyway) problems.

There was mention (from @campmlc I think??) of somehow providing the timeout info earlier, but I'm not sure how or where we'd do that.

While we're making errors better.....

A search that finds nothing "errors" with...

Your query returned no results.
  • Check your form input, or use the Clear Form button to start over.
  • If you searched by taxonomy, consult Arctos Taxonomy. Taxa are often synonymized and revised, and may not be consistent across collections. Previous Identifications, which are separate from the taxonomy used in Identifications, may be located using the scientific name "include all IDs" option.
  • Try broadening your search criteria. Try the next-higher geographic element, remove criteria, or use a substring match. Don't assume we've accurately or predictably recorded data.
  • Not all specimens have coordinates, and the spatial query tool will not locate all specimens.
  • Use dropdowns or partial word matches instead of text strings, which may be entered in unexpected ways. "Doe" is a good choice for a collector if "John P. Doe" didn't match anything, for example.
  • Read the documentation for individual search fields (click the title of the field to see documentation). Arctos fields may not be what you expect them to be.
  • Check code table documentation and attribute data definitions documentation for terms, vocabulary, and standards.
  • Try our Google search. Not everything in Arctos is indexed in Google, but it may provide a starting point to locate specific items.
  • Contact us if you still can't find what you need. We'll help if we can.

404 (not found) errors try to find similar forms and offer a "did you mean...", include a Google site search, then

    If you followed a link from within Arctos, please <a href="/contact.cfm">Contact Us</a>
    with any information that might help us resolve this issue.
    If you followed an external link, please use your back button and tell the webmaster that
    something is broken, or <a href="/contact.cfm">Contact Us</a> telling us how you got this error.

<p><a href="/taxonomy.cfm">Search for Taxon Names here</a></p>
<p><a href="/SpecimenUsage.cfm">Search for Projects and Publications here</a></p>
    If you're trying to find specimens, you may:
        <li><a href="/SpecimenSearch">Search for them</a></li>
        <li>Access them by URLs of the format:
                    <br>Example: #Application.serverRootUrl#/guid/UAM:Mamm:1
    Some specimens are restricted. You may <a href="/contact.cfm">contact us</a> for more information, or
    <a href="/info/encumbrances.cfm">view a summary of encumbrances</a>.
        Occasionally, a specimen is recataloged. You may be able to find them by using Other Identifiers in Specimen Search.

and failed Media URIs provide a path to search and try to guess intent

Media are stored on the fileserver only temporarily. Use <a href="/MediaSearch.cfm">MediaSearch</a> to find them
        <cfif pm.recordcount gt 0>
            or try these links:
            <cfloop query="pm">
                <li><a href="/media/#media_id#">#listlast(media_uri,"/")#</a></li>

Errors from portals throw...

If you are an operator, you may have to log out or ask your supervisor for more access. You are accessing Arctos through the #yourcollid.portal_name# portal, and cannot access specimen data in other collections. You may . I don't think we're failing to provide sufficient information. There's no choice to offer on any of that - this isn't analogous to an OS confirmation. (Eg, that screenshot is not an error message.) The 404 stuff may be approaching an error, but it's closer to "you're lost, maybe this will help." The vast majority of our 404s are from dead inbound links, people bookmarking media URIs (, etc. The timeout "error" is a real error, sorta, but it's "we don't have the resources to provide what you asked for" and not "you did something wrong" or "something unexpected happened." The "conducting a search" thing ( minimally needs a better title - there are many ways to search Arctos, it covers only one of them. (Maybe 90% of timeouts involve taxonomy - mostly folks clicking the "gimme all Animalia" link and such). I have emotional attachments to ![blowup]( even if it is like 9 pixels.

Jegelewicz commented 6 years ago

Just leaving it here... timeout error

dustymc commented 6 years ago

Pretty nice, I guess... can we GIF-melt the bear?

The "turn off those 9000 attributes that you never look at" thing should be included (maybe at the top).

Jegelewicz commented 6 years ago

bear bw oops

Jegelewicz commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure how to word the "turn off those 9000 attributes that you never look at" thing. They haven't completed a successful search yet, so how does this help? Are we telling them to select fewer search terms from the get go? If so, perhaps:

dustymc commented 6 years ago

Not search terms, results terms.

  • After a successful search, Click "Add/Remove Data Fields" and de-select unnecessary columns. Attributes are particularly expensive.
  • We currently have....

    UAM@ARCTOS> select count(*) from ssrch_field_doc where SPECIMEN_RESULTS_COL=1;

    208 possible results columns, including....

    UAM@ARCTOS> select count( distinct( attribute_type )) from attributes;

    126 attributes, each of which requires a trip to the DB and a bunch of compiling for every row in the results. Turn them all on, and you can time out most any search. The link provides a results set (I hope! - it's catnum 1) from which they can turn junk off.

    And while we're here - can we get rid of any of this mess?

    UAM@ARCTOS> select distinct attribute_type from attributes order by attribute_type;
    NAGPRA category
    SNV results
    age class
    air temperature
    appraised value
    archaeological feature
    axillary girth
    bill depth
    bill length
    bill width
    body condition
    body width
    brood parasite present
    brood patch
    bursa length
    bursa width
    carapace length
    clutch size
    clutch size of nest parasite
    credit line
    crop contents
    crown-rump length
    culmen length
    culture of origin
    culture of use
    curved carapace length
    curvilinear length
    diploid number
    ear from crown
    ear from notch
    ectoparasite examination
    ectoparasites detected
    egg content weight
    eggshell thickness
    electrical conductivity
    endoparasite examination
    endoparasites detected
    examined for parasites
    exhibit caption
    fat deposition
    forearm length
    head length
    head width
    hind foot with claw
    hind foot without claw
    hind limb length
    image confirmed
    incubation stage
    inscriptions and marks
    isotope value
    left gonad length
    left gonad width
    location in host
    maximum standard length
    maximum total length
    middle toe length
    minimum standard length
    minimum total length
    molt condition
    neck width
    nest description
    nest phenology
    number of labels
    numeric age
    object title
    parasites found
    parts examined
    plastron length
    provenience east
    provenience north
    radiometric date
    reproductive data
    right gonad length
    right gonad width
    skull ossification
    snout-vent length
    soft part color
    soft parts
    standard length
    stomach contents
    straight carapace length
    stratigraphic position
    tail base width
    tail condition
    tail length
    tarsus length
    tested for presence
    total length
    tragus length
    trap identifier
    trap type
    unformatted measurements
    verbatim collector
    verbatim host ID
    verbatim host age
    verbatim host sex
    verbatim preservation date
    water temperature
    wing chord
    wing span
    year class
    126 rows selected.

    Jegelewicz commented 6 years ago

    I don't understand - if I am at the Arctos search page, how do I turn them off or on? If you can't do this before you search, then we are just creating the problem ourselves! The article I posted says one important thing: "The best error message is the one that never shows up"

    If we can avoid this from the beginning by not automatically including stuff, maybe that's the best course of action....

    dustymc commented 6 years ago

    Search - fail - click the link - turn stuff off - try your original search (which will return different results because you just turned stuff off) again.

    I suppose I could let you customize results before you can see them, but that seems confusing. (Perhaps less confusing than the alternatives though???)

    Or allow customize directly from the failed search page??

    Jegelewicz commented 6 years ago

    Or allow customize directly from the failed search page??

    That would probably be the best solution - it gives people a chance to do something instead of reading about stuff they will have to do somewhere else (and by which time they get there they forget what to do).

    dustymc commented 6 years ago
    screen shot 2018-06-27 at 12 54 03 pm
    dustymc commented 4 years ago

    Closing, hopefully this won't be an issue in PG