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Reporter SQL Assistance #3836

Closed ebraker closed 3 years ago

ebraker commented 3 years ago

I am trying to generate labels and receive an error for one of my reports: image


The error happens when I access this form:

I think it could be due to the recent parsing of part and preservation method, though my other jar reports are working that use similar lines of code (meaning they output a pdf, but do not include the preservation method due to the part/preservation split).

Here's the label that is giving me issue. Please let me know how to fix (replace part_name with preservation_method?).


select flat.scientific_name,, case when'Democratic Republic of the Congo' then 'Dem. Rep. Congo' when'Papua New Guinea' then 'PNG' when is NULL then 'no higher geography data' when'Something Else' then 'replacement string' else END country, case when flat.state_prov like '%Autonomous Region%' then trim(replace(flat.state_prov,'Autonomous Region')) when flat.state_prov='Chimbu Province' then 'Chimbu' when flat.state_prov='Gafsa Governorate' then 'Gafsa Gov.' when flat.state_prov='Guangdong Province' then 'Guangdong' when flat.state_prov='Stann Creek District' then 'Stann Creek Dist.' when flat.state_prov='Languedoc-Roussillon' then 'Languedoc-Rouss.' when flat.state_prov='Something Else' then 'replacement string' else flat.state_prov END state_prov, flat.spec_locality, flat.county, flat.cat_num, case when part_name='whole organism (formalin-fixed, 70% ethanol)' then '70% Ethanol' when part_name='body parts (ethanol)' then '70% Ethanol' when part_name='whole organism (formalin-fixed, 95% ethanol)' then '95% Ethanol' when part_name='whole organism (50% isopropanol)' then '50% isopropanol' else part_name end part_name, contains_part_container.label container_label FROM flat, specimen_part, coll_obj_cont_hist, container part_container, container contains_part_container WHERE flat.collection_object_id=specimen_part.derived_from_cat_item and specimen_part.collection_object_id=coll_obj_cont_hist.collection_object_id and coll_obj_cont_hist.container_id=part_container.container_id and part_container.parent_container_id=contains_part_container.container_id and contains_part_container.container_id in (#container_id#)

dustymc commented 3 years ago
trim(replace(flat.state_prov,'Autonomous Region',''))

PG-flavor replace just doesn't have an implicit "with nothing"

ebraker commented 3 years ago

Thank you! That works. Last thing...

Does when part_name='whole organism (formalin-fixed, 70% ethanol)' then '70% Ethanol' become when preservation_method='ethanol, 70%' then '70% Ethanol'


ebraker commented 3 years ago

p.s. I guess I can no longer open cfr files? pay-to-play...

dustymc commented 3 years ago

If you join to part attributes you're going to get a row for each attribute. I'm not sure the query makes sense to me, but maybe you can use a function if at least one attribute triggers your replacement - something like this as your case statements:

when concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%ethanol, 70%' then '70% Ethanol'


when part_name='whole organism' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%ethanol, 70%' then '70% Ethanol'

should work if you need to consider part and the attribute.

Let me know (and provide a container_id) if that doesn't make sense, I'll do something and we can go from there.

Not sure what you mean about the cfrs - you can (allegedly!) get the builder from

ebraker commented 3 years ago

I can only download the trial version. And apparently it doesn't have all the goods since my jar template now looks like wingdings:


My old labels used to have built into the cold fusion template, and paired with the code above, it would display as, e.g., "70% ethanol". I tried to insert your code but it is defaulting to the 'else part_name' statement:



dustymc commented 3 years ago


Download ColdFusion Report Builder (EXE, 52.8 MB)

Adobe ain't great at namin' stuff, there's at least one unrelated "Builder."

Give me your current/latest SQL and a container_id and I'll see what I can figure out.

ebraker commented 3 years ago

Thank you!!!!!

select flat.scientific_name,, case when'Democratic Republic of the Congo' then 'Dem. Rep. Congo' when'Papua New Guinea' then 'PNG' when is NULL then 'no higher geography data' when'Something Else' then 'replacement string' else END country, case when flat.state_prov like '%Autonomous Region%' then trim(replace(flat.state_prov,'Autonomous Region','')) when flat.state_prov='Chimbu Province' then 'Chimbu' when flat.state_prov='Gafsa Governorate' then 'Gafsa Gov.' when flat.state_prov='Guangdong Province' then 'Guangdong' when flat.state_prov='Stann Creek District' then 'Stann Creek Dist.' when flat.state_prov='Languedoc-Roussillon' then 'Languedoc-Rouss.' when flat.state_prov='Something Else' then 'replacement string' else flat.state_prov END state_prov, flat.spec_locality, flat.county, flat.cat_num, case when part_name='whole organism (formalin-fixed, 70% ethanol)' then '70% Ethanol' when part_name='body parts (ethanol)' then '70% Ethanol' when part_name='whole organism (formalin-fixed, 95% ethanol)' then '95% Ethanol' when part_name='whole organism (50% isopropanol)' then '50% isopropanol' else part_name end part_name, contains_part_container.label container_label FROM flat, specimen_part, coll_obj_cont_hist, container part_container, container contains_part_container WHERE flat.collection_object_id=specimen_part.derived_from_cat_item and specimen_part.collection_object_id=coll_obj_cont_hist.collection_object_id and coll_obj_cont_hist.container_id=part_container.container_id and part_container.parent_container_id=contains_part_container.container_id and contains_part_container.container_id in (#container_id#)

ebraker commented 3 years ago

Sweet relief that version of coldfusion builder works!


ebraker commented 3 years ago

also, here is the updated SQL code (I accidently sent you the old one above):

select flat.scientific_name,, case when'Democratic Republic of the Congo' then 'Dem Rep Congo' when is NULL then 'no higher geography data' when'Something Else' then 'replacement string' else END country, case when flat.state_prov like '%Autonomous Region%' then trim(replace(flat.state_prov,'Autonomous Region','')) when flat.state_prov='Guangdong Province' then 'Guangdong' when flat.state_prov='Something Else' then 'replacement string' else flat.state_prov END state_prov, flat.spec_locality, flat.county, flat.cat_num, case when part_name='whole organism' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%ethanol, 70%' then '70% Ethanol' when part_name='body parts' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%ethanol' then '70% Ethanol' when part_name='whole organism' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%ethanol, 95%' then '95% Ethanol' when part_name='whole organism' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%isopropanol, 50%' then '50% isopropanol' else part_name end part_name, contains_part_container.label container_label FROM flat, specimen_part, coll_obj_cont_hist, container part_container, container contains_part_container WHERE flat.collection_object_id=specimen_part.derived_from_cat_item and specimen_part.collection_object_id=coll_obj_cont_hist.collection_object_id and coll_obj_cont_hist.container_id=part_container.container_id and part_container.parent_container_id=contains_part_container.container_id and contains_part_container.container_id in (#container_id#)

dustymc commented 3 years ago

I think you did what I did, you're just missing a % on '%ethanol' (that's "ends with" not "contains") - let me know if this is what you need or if it needs more adjsutment

when'Democratic Republic of the Congo' then 'Dem. Rep. Congo'
when'Papua New Guinea' then 'PNG'
when is NULL then 'no higher geography data'
when'Something Else' then 'replacement string'
END country,
when flat.state_prov like '%Autonomous Region%' then trim(replace(flat.state_prov,'Autonomous Region',''))
when flat.state_prov='Chimbu Province' then 'Chimbu'
when flat.state_prov='Gafsa Governorate' then 'Gafsa Gov.'
when flat.state_prov='Guangdong Province' then 'Guangdong'
when flat.state_prov='Stann Creek District' then 'Stann Creek Dist.'
when flat.state_prov='Languedoc-Roussillon' then 'Languedoc-Rouss.'
when flat.state_prov='Something Else' then 'replacement string'
else flat.state_prov
END state_prov,
when part_name='whole organism' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%ethanol, 70%' then '70% Ethanol' 
when part_name='body parts' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%ethanol%' then '70% Ethanol' 
when part_name='whole organism' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%formalin%' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%ethanol, 95%%' then '95% Ethanol' 
when part_name='whole organism' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%isopropanol, 50%' then '50% isopropanol' 
else part_name
end part_name,
contains_part_container.label container_label
container part_container,
container contains_part_container
flat.collection_object_id=specimen_part.derived_from_cat_item and
specimen_part.collection_object_id=coll_obj_cont_hist.collection_object_id and
coll_obj_cont_hist.container_id=part_container.container_id and
and contains_part_container.container_id in (#container_id#)

      scientific_name      |   family   | country | state_prov |              spec_locality               | county | cat_num |  part_name  | container_label 
 Storeria occipitomaculata | Colubridae | Canada  | Ontario    | Shawanaga Township, Parry Sound District |        | 931     | 70% Ethanol | HERP JAR 2864
ebraker commented 3 years ago

Got it! Thank you so much!

ebraker commented 3 years ago

For some reason a different label size is balking at the code edits you sent me (3 out of 4 labels saved just fine):

image image image

select flat.scientific_name,,, case when flat.state_prov is NULL then 'no higher geography data' when flat.state_prov='Something Else' then 'replacement string' else flat.state_prov END state_prov, flat.spec_locality, case when flat.county='Arapahoe County' then 'Arapahoe' when flat.county='Allegheny County' then 'Allegheny' when flat.county='Barnstable County' then 'Barnstable' when flat.county='Benton County' then 'Benton' when flat.county='Boulder County' then 'Boulder'
when flat.county='Bucks County' then 'Bucks' when flat.county='Carroll County' then 'Carroll' when flat.county='Catron County' then 'Catron' when flat.county='Clear Creek County' then 'Clear Creek' when flat.county='Cheboygan County' then 'Cheboygan' when flat.county='Cheyenne County' then 'Cheyenne' when flat.county='Chisago County' then 'Chisago' when flat.county='Crowley County' then 'Crowley' when flat.county='Delaware County' then 'Delaware' when flat.county='Dolores County' then 'Dolores' when flat.county='Douglas County' then 'Douglas' when flat.county='Durham County' then 'Durham' when flat.county='East Carroll Parish' then 'East Carroll' when flat.county='Fairfax County' then 'Fairfax' when flat.county='Garfield County' then 'Garfield' when flat.county='Gunnison County' then 'Gunnison' when flat.county='Hancock County' then 'Hancock' when flat.county='Harrison County' then 'Harrison' when flat.county='Hinsdale County' then 'Hinsdale' when flat.county='Huerfano County' then 'Huerfano' when flat.county='Imperial County' then 'Imperial' when flat.county='Jackson County' then 'Jackson' when flat.county='Jefferson County' then 'Jefferson' when flat.county='Kit Carson County' then 'Kit Carson' when flat.county='Lincoln County' then 'Lincoln' when flat.county='Mason County' then 'Mason' when flat.county='Middlesex County' then 'Middlesex' when flat.county='La Plata County' then 'La Plata' when flat.county='Las Animas County' then 'Las Animas' when flat.county='Montezuma County' then 'Montezuma' when flat.county='Montgomery County' then 'Montgomery' when flat.county='Montrose County' then 'Montrose' when flat.county='Prowers County' then 'Prowers' when flat.county='Rio Blanco County' then 'Rio Blanco' when flat.county='Riverside County' then 'Riverside' when flat.county='San Diego County' then 'San Diego' when flat.county='Santa Clara County' then 'Santa Clara' when flat.county='Santa Cruz County' then 'Santa Cruz' when flat.county='Socorro County' then 'Socorro' when flat.county='Something Else' then 'replacement string' else flat.county END county, flat.cat_num, case case when part_name='whole organism' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%ethanol, 70%' then '70% Ethanol' when part_name='body parts' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%ethanol%' then '70% Ethanol' when part_name='whole organism' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%formalin%' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%ethanol, 95%%' then '95% Ethanol' when part_name='whole organism' and concatPartAttributes(specimen_part.collection_object_id) like '%isopropanol, 50%' then '50% isopropanol' else part_name end part_name, contains_part_container.label container_label FROM flat, specimen_part, coll_obj_cont_hist, container part_container, container contains_part_container WHERE flat.collection_object_id=specimen_part.derived_from_cat_item and specimen_part.collection_object_id=coll_obj_cont_hist.collection_object_id and coll_obj_cont_hist.container_id=part_container.container_id and part_container.parent_container_id=contains_part_container.container_id and contains_part_container.container_id in (#container_id#)

dustymc commented 3 years ago
Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 2 43 53 PM
ALTER TABLE cf_report_sql ALTER COLUMN sql_text TYPE varchar;

Should work now, at which point you'll officially have the longest report in Arctos!

ebraker commented 3 years ago

Do I get a ribbon? ;)


dustymc commented 3 years ago

I was thinkin' a very looooooong bear.....