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geography hit list #4837

Closed dustymc closed 2 years ago

dustymc commented 2 years ago

Gave up trying to sort, everything here's a mess of some form. If you fix something please EDIT this comment and move the fixed item to the bottom (or just delete). All of this needs fixed, but more importantly it should also guide policy/structure/whatever - eg I think we're drastically over-using island, we should have some official stance on the "dirt, but saltwater" messes (unless we're going to adopt some existing geography schema), etc., etc.


Jegelewicz commented 2 years ago

The first one definitely isn't real and the locality belonged in Colorado - that one is fixed.

Jegelewicz commented 2 years ago

Second one fixed, but collecting source on this record - needs to be captive, because these fish came from an aquarium. @mkoo

Jegelewicz commented 2 years ago was not in use - deleted

Who created the great lakes as counties?

Jegelewicz commented 2 years ago used by one locality which was changed to Saint Clair County and this one deleted.

Jegelewicz commented 2 years ago not in use - deleted

Jegelewicz commented 2 years ago used by one locality, changed to Washtenaw County then deleted this.

dustymc commented 2 years ago

Who created the...

I think probably Cornell, lots of fish and seems typical of their (cleaned!) data.

I'm not finding a lot of new-ish-created in-use garbage, which is sorta comforting.

I am finding a lot of not-very-discoverable data. Maybe half the provinces of AF weren't as expected - some less-common transliterations (I think), but some seem to be plain old typos.

There are lots of things that I may never successfully "translate" - some large part are intersections, but some countries just have placenames that don't much line up with our data and/or GADM (and friends).

Lots of "dirt, but oh yea saltwater" that I think should probably be nuked.

Africa isn't a country.....

I'm tempted to just implement It would make creating a little painful, but that must be orders of magnitude less work than dealing with this, and it would provide a lower limit on data quality.

used by one locality, changed to

In case I haven't been clear about this: For most of the US, working on the world - anywhere I have spatial geography - I can magic best geography fit. (I obviously can't tell if the coordinates are correct or not, a human would be ideal, but I find smallest-containing-shapes.) Lemme know if you have some use for that....


Jegelewicz commented 2 years ago

I'll let @sharpphyl and @mkoo look at the three bottom ones.

ccicero commented 2 years ago

@mkoo @Jegelewicz I changed to 'captive' and fixed the georeference.

dustymc commented 2 years ago

I got what I could, this needs more work but calling it blocked by - I've been putting that in remarks which is essentially wasted effort, remainder is going to take research, worth waiting on a formal place for the result of that.

sharpphyl commented 2 years ago

I'm working through several of these and commented on two on Cuba. I don't think I have (nor do you want me to have) higher geography authority to modify the entry.

I'll let @sharpphyl and @mkoo look at the three bottom ones.

@Jegelewicz Did you mean Oaxaca, Madagascar and Italy? The order of the entries may have changed.

Jegelewicz commented 2 years ago

Did you mean Oaxaca, Madagascar and Italy?

No - I think this list has changed since I commented? Not sure what I was looking at...

didn't we agree that West Indies isn't a continent?

Nope - was never resolved.

dustymc commented 2 years ago

West Indies isn't a continent?

Then CAN we agree that West Indies isn't a continent (ditto,, and that this abonination (see remarks) can't make sense, and in general to drop the things that seem to only add confusion while prohibiting wiring this stuff up to spatial data?

Jegelewicz commented 2 years ago

CAN we agree that West Indies isn't a continent

I agree - this should absolutely go away. I also don't really give a darn about the other three - make them whatever the rest of the world understands. But that's just one "agreement". Putting this on today's issues agenda.

dustymc commented 2 years ago

rest of the world understands

That's a useful perspective. Anyone who much cares about places probably has about the same spatial data I do, if we do something that lines up with GADM and such we'll be sharing the same book, if perhaps not the same page. Or we could put a whole bunch of work into finding data for things that nobody else will have data for and probably doesn't care about....

dustymc commented 2 years ago

This is mostly more intersection problems, merge-->

(The rest is temporal problems,