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Code Table Request - New Taxonomy Source World Flora Online (via GlobalNames) #6500

Closed mvzhuang closed 4 months ago

mvzhuang commented 1 year ago


This is a template to facilitate communication with the Arctos Code Table Committee. Submit a separate request for each relevant value. This form is appropriate for exploring how data may best be stored, for adding vocabulary, or for updating existing definitions.

Reviewing documentation before proceeding will result in a more enjoyable experience.

Initial Request


Create new taxonomy source that reflects current plant taxonomy better


Arctos plants taxonomy for a few families is outdated and it seems World Flora Online is better updated.



Proposed Value

Source: World Flora Online (via Arctos)

World Flora Online (via GlobalNames


Data from World Flora Online Taxonomic Backbone and must be manually updated.

Classifications from World Flora Online as retrieved from GlobalNames. This source is not editable locally and may be one or more versions behind the original source (World Flora Online).

Collection type


Taxonomic backbone is here: 10.5281/zenodo.7460141 Is there an easy way of loading this into Arctos?

Helpful Actions



All of the following must be checked before this may proceed.

_The How-To Document should be followed. Pay particular attention to terminology (with emphasis on consistency) and documentation (with emphasis on functionality). No person should act in multiple roles; the submitter cannot also serve as a Code Table Administrator, for example._


If you believe this request should not proceed, explain why here. Suggest any changes that would make the change acceptable, alternate (usually existing) paths to the same goals, etc.

  1. Can a suitable solution be found here? If not, proceed to (2)
  2. Can a suitable solution be found by Code Table Committee discussion? If not, proceed to (3)
  3. Take the discussion to a monthly Arctos Working Group meeting for final resolution.


Once all of the Approval Checklist is appropriately checked and there are no Rejection comments, or in special circumstances by decree of the Arctos Working Group, the change may be made.

Close this Issue.

DO NOT modify Arctos Authorities in any way before all points in this Issue have been fully addressed; data loss may result.

Special Exemptions

In very specific cases and by prior approval of The Committee, the approval process may be skipped, and implementation requirements may be slightly altered. Please note here if you are proceeding under one of these use cases.

  1. Adding an existing term to additional collection types may proceed immediately and without discussion, but doing so may also subject users to future cleanup efforts. If time allows, please review the term and definition as part of this step.
  2. The Committee may grant special access on particular tables to particular users. This should be exercised with great caution only after several smooth test cases, and generally limited to "taxonomy-like" data such as International Commission on Stratigraphy terminology.
dustymc commented 1 year ago

Is there an easy way of loading this into Arctos?

  1. They claim to be working with GlobalNames - - so a push on should be all that's necessary (assuming they're ACTUALLY contributing something that's ACTUALLY useful to GlobalNames...)
  2. They seem to have some download options, one of them probably isn't difficult (still a lot more difficult than the above!) to manipulate into the classification loader format.
mvzhuang commented 1 year ago

1 would be good.

  1. manipulating is generally easy but there's a over a million names and is wonking out excel. Are people using R to manipulate stuff like this instead of Excel for these large sources?
dustymc commented 1 year ago

Yes (1) is great (and technically trivial on this end, I think) - but isn't very promising, might be worth contacting them?

Dima at GN is easy to work with, but I can't imagine how this could be something he can deal with.

A million names is probably not going to make it through the UI/uploader either. I could (probably) pull directly into Arctos, but I don't really want another job if I can avoid it....

Jegelewicz commented 1 year ago

@mvzhuang how about we reduce the names to those currently in use - then classifications can be added for names as they are needed? This is what I have been doing for TPT Acari stuff.

Then I would just need to figure out a way to get the classifications for only those names...

Are people using R to manipulate stuff like this instead of Excel for these large sources?

I could try to do this and if I can make it work, I could then limit the classifications to the terms you are currently using - but then there are relationships between names to deal with (I have passed over this for TPT, but I am sure it will come up eventually)

I'll help however I can!

Jegelewicz commented 1 year ago

Ideally, we have a documented process as the list is released twice a year and we will want to update then....

dustymc commented 1 year ago

help however I can!

By far the most productive would be getting someone to do something awesome involving GlobalNames, which was funded to do exactly what needs done here (and, near-uniquely, actually does what they claimed they're do!).

Distant second would be figuring out how to move a million names around, which is probably going to run into all sorts of infrastructure problems, may or may not work the next time this comes up, etc., etc., etc.

I don't think there's any future in hacking a comprehensive resource up into bite-sized pieces, but I suppose it might come down to that.

Jegelewicz commented 1 year ago

but isn't very promising

I just refreshed Global Names and


Seems promising enough?

Jegelewicz commented 1 year ago

@mvzhuang @dustymc I have been messing around with a download of the World Flora and I feel pretty confident that I can manipulate it in R to get an Arctos classification upload. However:

  1. The list on World Flora does not include any taxa higher than species - to be fair, I could get the genera, subtribes, tribes, subfamilies and families from the provided classifications, but that might take a lot more work.
  2. The classifications provided stop at family, so no kingdom, phylum (division) or orders are given - again, I could probably do some figuring to get those, but urg...
  3. How could/should we get all of the name relationships (synonyms, etc) into Arctos? I can figure this out from the file, but how do we translate it into Arctos?
  4. The file has 1,318,404 rows. That is a lot of names and I am guessing that a lot of them are not in Arctos. The taxon name checker isn't going to handle that many names. We could limit the addition to the plant names currently in Arctos or currently in use, but that requires even more manipulation (comparing to Arctos names and removing stuff from the file).

How or do we want to proceed with this request?

dustymc commented 1 year ago

(1) and (2) - IDK, that's weird, if you modify it then it's not really their classification anymore, eh? (Sorta...) No idea....

(3) Good question, that needs a deep review. Echidna-the-eel ain't got nuthin' to do with spiky mammalish critters, our current relationship structure is wholly incapable of dealing with that and needs revised. Something about classifications, I suppose, but IDK needs an Issue. (4) - yea, we really need to treat Authorities like Authorities; we should be adding names because someone has some need and knowledge, not because some apparently-very-limited resource barfed something out onto the interwebs.

How or do we want to proceed

I was planning on adding an 'editor' flag to (or something like that, I need to experiment) so we can just use globalnames because, but ??

Jegelewicz commented 1 year ago

I was planning on adding an 'editor' flag to

I think this would be a fine place to start - BUT we need to be clear that GlobalNames has transformed this data - it is NOT the actual data supplied by the resource (World Flora) and GlobalNames does NOT add everything from the original source (as was demonstrated with WoRMS) so important information may be missing (like the World Flora name identifiers that get you back to their data in DES fashion).

looks a lot more complex than what we are getting from GlobalNames

Also, passing that World Flora identifier makes it pretty clear what taxon you are talking about? It really sucks that GlobalNames doesn't provide these identifiers along with the rest of their data.

dustymc commented 1 year ago

GlobalNames has transformed this data

I believe that this is a case of GIGO and the DWC-A (or whatever) that's been provided to globalnames has just been passed on. If that's the case (@dimus might confirm) then the appropriate thing to do would be to ask the 'providers' to do better. (I assume that they assume that nobody's going to USE this stuff and just do whatever's easiest, and might be happy to do more if given a reason, but thatsa lotta assumin' so....).

mvzhuang commented 1 year ago

Orders and family data is in another castle...: except that the link is broken..

uh maybe i'll email them and ask if they have a magical file somewhere... or ...a rec from them.

dimus commented 1 year ago

GlobalNames has transformed this data

I believe that this is a case of GIGO and the DWC-A (or whatever) that's been provided to globalnames has just been passed on. If that's the case (@dimus might confirm) then the appropriate thing to do would be to ask the 'providers' to do better. (I assume that they assume that nobody's going to USE this stuff and just do whatever's easiest, and might be happy to do more if given a reason, but thatsa lotta assumin' so....).

@dustymc yes, the data from WFO is coming from their DwCA file;jsessionid=0C2429124EB6BCA3822B00CD824AA02D

Looks like they did not make a new version yet for 2023?

WUlate commented 1 year ago

Hello, @dimus told me about this thread, so let me start by summarizing what we are providing in World Flora Online (WFO):

We generate a static copy of the names and taxonomic data every six months and stored it in Zenodo at Each name has a WFO-ID: "wfo-{10digits}". This is the source of the Taxonomic Backbone of the WFO Portal and the World Flora Online Plant List. The information in this file is stored in several different redundant formats and previous versions are kept related. Our latest version of the Taxonomic Backbone is June 2023 and we are currently updating the WFO Portal with this version (current Portal version is March 2023).

From what I read above, you might be interested in the following files: This file contains (not "deleted") names in a single Darwin Core Archive file.
We also keep a copy of the latest version of this Taxonomic Backbone file.

families_dwc.tar.gz is a big compressed file with all 718 Plant families in WFO, each family zipped itself in an individual Darwin Core Archive file.
As we update the Portal with the latest Taxonomic Backbone, we also keep copies of these files at:{FamilyName}, where {FamilyName} is the name of the folder where the corresponding DwCA file for each family is stored. You'll find there is not only the single {FamilyName}.zip DwCA file, but also the expanded component files extracted, so you can see the classification file and the metadata definition - meta.xml - as well. We also keep a DwCA file with the list of names in the higher taxonomy (above families). Although the information is already included in other file, this file in particular has not been included in the Zenodo...yet! But you can find all the contents there stored in:

One clarification: we never delete names, we "deprecate" them, so no WFO-ID will be reused for anything different once used. A couple of the files (one of them stored in Zenodo) contain these deprecated names too, in case that you might need them. We also keep a folder archive with all the previous information used, so no file is actually deleted.

Finally, all the WFO taxonomic information is CC0, so please, go ahead and use it and if we can help with some more information or a new format, let us know! For this issue, in particular, if it's better/easier for you, I'll be glad to coordinate with @dimus on what it is that GlobalNames would need in order to attend this issue.

Pura Vida

Jegelewicz commented 1 year ago

@WUlate thank you - I did download the latest file and that is what is being discussed here. Our issue is mostly that we don't currently need the entire dataset and the 'manual' process of downloading and transforming some subset will need to be completed by someone on our end twice a year. I am not sure we have the resources to make that happen plus combine the and the to make the classifications complete.

We are able to use GlobalNames, but what is missing for us are the WFO identifiers, which I don't see in GlobalNames (this is also true for WoRMS).

dustymc commented 1 year ago

@WUlate yes thank you, and @dimus thanks for getting us all together.

Arctos has been automagically pulling data from GlobalNames for a while now, and it's very useful for discovery or occasionally cloning into a "local" source, but now we'd like to just use what's in GlobalNames for cataloging. A collection preferring World Flora Online as a taxonomic source, when identifying a record to "Alnus," would be (thorough some Arctos magic) using the taxonomic information in, for example. I'll let the collections folks address the details of what's necessary for them to use that, but I think the short version is that they'd it to contain everything it possibly can.

(The missing piece for me, outlier I may be, is whatever we're calling Plantae these days. Arctos contains insects and motorcycles and meteorites and gemstones - all with their own taxonomies - in addition to plants, and high-level ways of separating those things taxonomically are valuable, even if a botanist working in a plant collection would never have use for them.)

dimus commented 1 year ago

@dustymc and @Jegelewicz did you see recordId field in the JSON format of gnverifier output? It should provide WFO ID.

and for a link back to WFO there is also "outlink": ""

Jegelewicz commented 10 months ago

@dustymc Could @mvzhuang use the GN World Flora Online as a preferred source yet? Seeing it in action might help us close this or figure out what else needs doing....

dustymc commented 10 months ago

Yep recipe in

Jegelewicz commented 10 months ago

@mvzhuang see the revised code table request - are you willing to test drive?

dustymc commented 10 months ago


"created with a name matching that which comes from GlobalNames" is a functional requirement.

Jegelewicz commented 10 months ago

"created with a name matching that which comes from GlobalNames" is a functional requirement.

Not sure what I am supposed to do with that?

mvzhuang commented 10 months ago

Agh sorry will put this on my calendar for next week. I have to clear out the fossil/taxidermy room by end of month so haven’t been paying attention. But yes will look!

From: Teresa Mayfield-Meyer @.> Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 1:54 PM To: ArctosDB/arctos @.> Cc: Zhuang, Mingna @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [ArctosDB/arctos] Code Table Request - New Taxonomy Source World Flora Online (via GlobalNames) (Issue #6500)

EXTERNAL EMAIL: This e-mail is from a sender outside of the UTEP system. Please forward suspicious emails to @.**@.> or call 915.747.6324

@mvzhuang see the revised code table request - are you willing to test drive?

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dustymc commented 6 months ago

I added this, someone use it.

mvzhuang commented 6 months ago

Working on it!!!!!!

On Mar 1, 2024 7:00 AM, dustymc @.***> wrote:

EXTERNAL EMAIL: This e-mail is from a sender outside of the UTEP system. Please forward suspicious emails to @.**@.> or call 915.747.6324

I added this, someone use it.

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camwebb commented 6 months ago


I added this, someone use it.

Just made WFO rank 1 for our 3 collections. Yay! Thanks

dustymc commented 6 months ago

@camwebb (and whoever) - let me know if you want me to force a refresh of the cache, changing the collection's preferences won't do that.

You can

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 08 34 24

wait for that to clear (reload until the button returns to that state) then click the eyeball...

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 08 38 08

to see what happens.

And of course I picked a terrible example that does just what you brought up in

and the record is

camwebb commented 6 months ago

I think there are still some problems with the WFO import and am reopening the issue.

  1. It seems only a small part of WFO was imported. Out of 13532 names used in identifications for ALA collections, only 92 are matched in WFO. All the names that I checked that are not in our import are in WFO when searched directly at the WFO website, and at Global Names. E.g., Medicago falcata
SELECT DISTINCT A.scientific_name
  SELECT DISTINCT identification.scientific_name
  FROM identification
  ON flat.collection_object_id = identification.collection_object_id
  WHERE flat.collection_id in (6, 40, 106)
) as A
LEFT JOIN taxon_name
ON A.scientific_name = taxon_name.scientific_name
LEFT JOIN taxon_term
ON taxon_name.taxon_name_id = taxon_term.taxon_name_id AND
  taxon_term.source = 'World Flora Online'
WHERE taxon_term.taxon_name_id IS NOT NULL
  1. In the case you gave above, Erigeron acris, two names (Erigeron acris and Erigeron pulchellus) have been linked to the Arctos name Erigeron acris... surely this is an import error?
dustymc commented 6 months ago

small part of WFO was imported

Yea, it's not exactly an import, just Arctos pulling from GN when it can (which is a not-so-quick cycle). I can/will set some stuff to prioritize, you can always manually force that with..

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 10 15 37

import error?

There's some links on eg

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 10 08 57

(I'll add the one I actually use,

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 10 09 35

Looks like that's what's being sent. The contacts for both the source and the 'packager' are above; they've always been super easy to work with and I'm sure would appreciate feedback from real-world users if you know how that might be better handled. (I would anyway, always seems to me that we build this super-cool infrastructure and then, most of the time - crickets. Seeing stuff ACTUALLY do what we've been talking about forever is great!)

camwebb commented 6 months ago

Got it!

  1. Will be patient with the WFO import. No hurry here.
  2. The double name issue is tricky. Glad to find this example. Two further issues here:
    • I think WFO has chosen the wrong approach to submitting data to GN. Erigeron acris C.B.Clarke is a valid name, it's just a synonym. They should give the classification path for Erigeron acris of Erigeron acris not of Erigeron pulchellus! It's great that they indicate that it's a synonym in JSON attribute current_taxon_id, but should not 'overwrite' the valid classification of a valid name. I'll contact them as you suggest.
    • It is valid behavior for WFO to send us two matching names for a single canonical name. So in this case, we need to deal with this. It seems the best approach is as we've been discussing this morning: create a new Source 'UAM Plants' with tweaks than can be made to mask cases in WFO where there are these multiple matches. I will go ahead with a CT request for this.

Thanks (please close issue again if this seems dealt with)

dimus commented 6 months ago

@camwebb I tried

And this is what I am getting:


does it look reasonable, or something is not right?

camwebb commented 6 months ago

@dimus Thanks for picking up on this. I was just about to contact you by email.

I checked what is coming in from WFO and they do not include a hierarchical classification in the record for wfo-0000067521 (Erigeron acris C.B.Clarke), but point to it being a synonym of wfo-0000009039 (Erigeron pulchellus Michx.). So the classification at GN must be added by GN.

My concern is this (and please forgive my bold text and exclamation mark above): the (JSON) classification_path for Erigeron acris C.B.Clarke is "Plantae|Pteridobiotina|Angiosperms|Asterales|Asteraceae|Asteroideae|Astereae|Conyzinae|Erigeron|Erigeron pulchellus". The current_taxon_id and current_name_string are given, indicating that the name is a synonym. So would it not be better/more correct for the classification_path for Erigeron acris C.B.Clarke is "Plantae|Pteridobiotina|Angiosperms|Asterales|Asteraceae|Asteroideae|Astereae|Conyzinae|Erigeron|Erigeron acris"? It's not a huge deal, but once it has been imported into Arctos it appears that the species of name Erigeron acris is Erigeron pulchellus, which is confusing.


So, to summarize, would GN reconsider the method of generation of classification paths for names that are synonyms? But there may a reason it was decided to do it the way that it is. Thanks!

dimus commented 6 months ago

@camwebb, here was my way of thinking about classification paths:

Assuming that classification contains names of taxons, I felt that a synonym name would be out of place, and did put actual name of the taxon instead (according to the data source). It is a consistent approach over gnverifier, and to my knowledge some people depend on it. So it can be modified, however it would be costly for some people.

camwebb commented 6 months ago

@dimus Thanks for explaining your thinking. I can now see pros and cons both ways. So no change is requested - we can work with it as is. It's great to have WFO in Arctos :tada:

Jegelewicz commented 6 months ago

Yea, it's not exactly an import, just Arctos pulling from GN

And we should make that VERY clear - GN is NOT the current WFO - it could be a year or more out of date and it DOES NOT have all of the information available in WFO. GN is great, but not doing what I think we really need (which is why WoRMS (via Arctos) exists as it does).

dustymc commented 6 months ago

@camwebb I think WFO has probably refreshed by now, here's a slightly different current view of your data:

create table temp_uamherbwfo as select
    count(taxon_term.taxon_name_id) as has_wfo
    inner join cataloged_item on collection.collection_id=cataloged_item.collection_id
    inner join identification on cataloged_item.collection_object_id=identification.collection_object_id
    inner join identification_taxonomy on identification.identification_id=identification_taxonomy.identification_id
    inner join taxon_name on identification_taxonomy.taxon_name_id=taxon_name.taxon_name_id
    left outer join taxon_term on taxon_name.taxon_name_id=taxon_term.taxon_name_id and source='World Flora Online'
    guid_prefix in ('UAM:Herb','UAM:Alg','UAMb:Herb')
group by 

SELECT 13417

 select count(*) from temp_uamherbwfo where has_wfo > 0;


(and thanks for the ticticticsql trick!)

Maybe you can find some fillable gaps somewhere in there.

Your record cache won't have refreshed from that, lemme know if you want me to start that.

dimus commented 6 months ago

Yea, it's not exactly an import, just Arctos pulling from GN

And we should make that VERY clear - GN is NOT the current WFO - it could be a year or more out of date and it DOES NOT have all of the information available in WFO. GN is great, but not doing what I think we really need (which is why WoRMS (via Arctos) exists as it does).

@Jegelewicz @camwebb currently GN updates many 'popular' data-sources 2 times a year, and usually it happens after biannual updates of WFO, so it would be usually up to date with WFO dumps.

I am exploring a faster way to get data in, if it works out, some resources could be updated more often.

camwebb commented 6 months ago

@dustymc This is looking very promising, except for one key issue: as it is currently imported, the 'name string' term (non-rank) in current Arctos source WFO is derived from the GN JSON current_name_string not name_string, so there is no way for the reader of the classification to determine the correct original->related relationship based on the original Author string of a specimen. Using the Erigeron acris example above, what we need is two entries tied to the canonical name 'Erigeron acris':

It would be great to change this and re-import when you get a chance.

@dimus As I better understand the 'related taxa' search algorithms in Arctos, I now absolutely agree with your choice to give the classification of the accepted name, not the original name. In Arctos, this means that the synonymy relationship is contained within the classification, and does not have to be added to the taxon_relation table (which is problematic anyway, because this table contains only canonical name mappings and could not handle the case of Erigeron acris above).

dustymc commented 6 months ago

change this and re-import

@camwebb I'm not manipulating anything, I'm just writing whatever I get from GN to the DB. You can debug-run the import script with eg, maybe you can see something I'm doing wonky in there??

added to the taxon_relation

FWIW, Arctos cannot properly handle relationships (or common names or any other legacy thing that assumes a taxon name means one thing), I've been waiting (not very eagerly!) for someone to request moving them to classifications, something like we get from GN. (I've also been writing stuff to Arctos Relationships to better support search, but there's not really anything that might be mistaken for a relationship in there either.) In the current setup, there's absolutely no way of knowing if is a synonym of a bug, a wet mess, an element, laundry equipment, etc. Wonder if there's some proposal to figure that out and maybe better sync something up with @dimus somewhere in there?

camwebb commented 6 months ago

I'm just writing whatever I get from GN to the DB.

But is it possible to add a term to the import? If you look at Array 17, WFO for Erigeron acris C.B. Clarke, there is an entry: matchedName --- string --- Erigeron acris C.B.Clarke. This is needed as a non-rank term in the WFO classification for the user to understand the synonymy. Maybe it could be called 'original name string' to accompany the existing 'name string', which is 'Erigeron puchellus Michx'. Better yet if the current field title 'name string' is switched to 'current name string'.

I've been waiting (not very eagerly!) for someone to request moving them to classifications, something like we get from GN.

Yes. This would be great. I will make that unwelcome request!

Jegelewicz commented 4 months ago

@camwebb @mvzhuang Can we close this?

mvzhuang commented 4 months ago

Yes! I think we’re good, just waiting for the rest to pull from GlobalNames slowly!

From: Teresa Mayfield-Meyer @.> Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2024 10:19 AM To: ArctosDB/arctos @.> Cc: Zhuang, Mingna @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [ArctosDB/arctos] Code Table Request - New Taxonomy Source World Flora Online (via GlobalNames) (Issue #6500)

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@camwebb @mvzhuang Can we close this?

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