ArctosDB / arctos

Arctos is a museum collections management system
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Help needed in Arctos: Tracking the taxonomic growth of our collection #8145

Open falco-rk opened 2 months ago

falco-rk commented 2 months ago

We often use the growth in the number of species in our collection as a metric to track our growth over time. In our old database, this was "easy" to do because we added taxa individually so we could just look at how many new taxa records were generated in a year. Since that is not how Arctos works, is there a way to compare our taxonomic breakdown by date?

I would like to make this plot:


Where gray bars represent taxa new to the collection and teal bars indicate new representatives of taxa already in the collection. The blue lines track the cumulative growth of taxa in the OGL Collection (right axes).

This is gonna be a thing we will need to do on at least an annual basis, but possibly more frequently.

@happiah-madson @dustymc

dustymc commented 2 months ago

@mkoo might be able to address this (pretty bars and all) via


    extract(year from entereddate + interval '6 month') as fiscal_year,
    count(distinct(identification_taxonomy.taxon_name_id)) numTaxa,
    count(distinct(flat.guid)) numRecords
    inner join identification on flat.collection_object_id=identification.collection_object_id
    inner join identification_taxonomy on identification.identification_id=identification_taxonomy.identification_id
group by
order by

 fiscal_year | numtaxa | numrecords 
        2024 |    5311 |      34117
        2025 |      20 |        359