ArctosDB / arctos

Arctos is a museum collections management system
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Help needed in Arctos: Does Arctos have a way to track metrics about people searching our collection? #8170

Open falco-rk opened 2 weeks ago

falco-rk commented 2 weeks ago

Tell us what you are trying to do

Is there any way for us to determine the number of people who search for, look at, or interact with our data that aren't signed in? Similar to [Usage Statistics]( but my understanding is that that is based on queries of logged-in users. Also, can we get metrics about who downloads our data?


What are relevant pages in Arctos

Provide a link to or a description of the page where you need help.

dustymc commented 2 weeks ago


No - but things like IPs and usernames are a decent proxy, probably.

logged-in users

No, it's all users, anyone who makes a cache table.


Download Statistics

BUT/sorta related - the API and things like should be considering when interpreting those data.

happiah-madson commented 2 weeks ago

Download Statistics

When I click on this, is it for all of Arctos, or is it just for OGL:Genomic?

dustymc commented 2 weeks ago


happiah-madson commented 2 weeks ago

and I presume from that response there isn't a way to see interactions with just ogl:genomic?

dustymc commented 2 weeks ago

Nope, here's what I grab when someone downloads:

arctosprod@arctos>> \d cf_download
                            Table "core.cf_download"
      Column      |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 user_id          | integer                     |           | not null | 
 download_purpose | character varying(60)       |           | not null | 
 download_date    | timestamp without time zone |           | not null | 
 num_records      | integer                     |           | not null | 
 agree_to_terms   | character varying(3)        |           | not null | 

(We could really use some sort of Arctos-wide statistics-ish-gathering reform, if you'd like to lead any charges....)

happiah-madson commented 2 weeks ago

Cool, cool cool cool. Clearly we have some exploring of reporting tools to explore. How hard would it be to include "collections included in downloads" in what you currently gather?