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Feature Request - no autodelete of collection /locality events if a 'Collecting Event Name' (nickname) is present? #286

Open DerekSikes opened 2 years ago

DerekSikes commented 2 years ago

Issue Documentation is

I'm just back from an expedition and have many collection events. I'd like to enter each event as follows:

Make a new locality & click 'add event', edit the event & add my collector code to the 'event name' field - then once done entering these, perhaps many days later, I want to enter the specimen data in data entry & link them to these collection events using my unique collector codes in the 'event name' field.

However, I see this at the top of the first one I just made:

This Collecting Event (12130510) [ help ] contains nothing. Please delete it if you don't have plans for it. NOTE: Unused and unnamed events are automatically deleted; please see documentation

Describe what you're trying to accomplish An clear and concise overview of the goals; why are you asking for this?

I thought 'event name' was designed to allow us to do such a data entry protocol. ie, create many specimenless events in advance and then link specimens to them later?

Thus, I'd like to ask that the auto-delete of events NOT delete events with data in the 'Collecting Event Name' field

And obviously, the localities that those events belong too, also specimenless for a short while, will also need to not be deleted.

Priority Please assign a priority-label. Unprioritized issues gets sent into a black hole of despair. High. I don't want to enter tons of data to have it deleted before I use it.

DerekSikes commented 2 years ago

Nevermind! I see in the documentation: "A Collecting Event Nickname will prevent both of these actions and should be used in pre-created Collecting Events. Please remove nickname from any Collecting Events which you no longer intend to use."

however, the term 'nickname' is depreciated? and might confuse new users?


DerekSikes commented 2 years ago

Maybe this could be edited to avoid future confusion:

This Collecting Event (12130510) [ help ] contains nothing. Please delete it if you don't have plans for it. NOTE: Unused and unnamed events are automatically deleted; please see documentation


This Collecting Event (12130510) [ help ] contains nothing. Please delete it if you don't have plans for it. NOTE: Unused and unnamed events lacking Collection Event Names are automatically deleted; please see documentation

DerekSikes commented 2 years ago

Just reopening to see if anyone agrees on two slight improvements here:

editing the text warning of deletion of collection events and changing the term 'nickname' where used to be consistent with the actual field name (for both events and localities).

dustymc commented 2 years ago

docs updated

"unnamed events lacking...Names" seems a little Department Of Redundancy Department-ish??