Arcus92 / PlayMusicExporter

This Android app exports your Play Music mp3 files directly to your sdcard.
MIT License
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Reworking Settings #11

Closed jcgruenhage closed 7 years ago

jcgruenhage commented 7 years ago


I'm currently rewriting the settings, since I noticed that there is a lot of crossed out text in the current SettingsActivity, using Fragments. While I'm at that, I thought, I could also merge the stuff from my fork, that basically just removes all UI and exports everything regularily, to unify that. My proposal for the settings structure:

@all, I'm open for suggestions ^^

jcgruenhage commented 7 years ago

Made some progress, setting the paths does work now, but there still is a lot of work to do, because @Arcus92 did some things in a way that is not easily compatible with the new PreferenceFragment stuff, so most of the pref code needs to be rewritten. I'll commit and push, once the rest of the preferences work again.

The automated export requires API 21 (scheduling is done with jobs and the ExportAllService expects DocumentFiles), so I'll have to figure out how to hide that on KitKat and lower..

jcgruenhage commented 7 years ago

Made some progress, and since this repo is dead, I will continue in my repo from now on.
