Arcus92 / PlayMusicExporter

This Android app exports your Play Music mp3 files directly to your sdcard.
MIT License
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Songs with a slash '/' fail to export #4

Closed iffa closed 7 years ago

iffa commented 8 years ago

EDIT: They don't fail to export, they just become a part of the file path which confuses Windows especially

0x1cedd1ce commented 8 years ago

It crashs with the Title "Regentropfen / Rosengarten". A song with the title "3/4 Neun" exports without error, but it creates a new folder with the name "3" containing a file named "4 Neun.mp3".


PackageName: de.arcus.playmusicexporter2 Crashed activity: activities.MusicTrackListActivity Exception: Attempt to invoke virtual method '[]' on null object reference de.arcus.playmusiclib.PlayMusicManager.exportMusicTrack(

ddonuts4 commented 8 years ago

I fixed this, but I'm not sure if the dev is active enough to merge my pull request. I've created a release on my fork for anyone who wants this fix right away.

Arcus92 commented 7 years ago

This is fixed. It had taken way too long.