Arcus92 / PlayMusicExporter

This Android app exports your Play Music mp3 files directly to your sdcard.
MIT License
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Pressing select all button does not do anything #7

Open raazman opened 8 years ago

raazman commented 8 years ago

Using the select all button does not select all, making it hard to select each and individual song.

kz commented 8 years ago

The select all button is working for me. I have reproduced it as working by selecting my playlist, selecting my wanted track, pressing the Select All icon and downloading.

raazman commented 8 years ago

I tried to do what you said but pressing select all does not do anything. I'm on Marshmallow with a Nexus 6P if that helps.

ddonuts4 commented 8 years ago

It looks like this is an issue with the two-pane mode. As a temporary fix, try cranking your DPI down so the two-pane view doesn't activate.

ddonuts4 commented 8 years ago

Just fixed this + made a pull request The latest APK is available on my fork until the PR gets approved.