Closed zjfheart closed 5 years ago
Hi guys,
I see that you load 28377303 samples
which is a lot, that is why you get memory error even though you are running on the strong set up :)
I updated master
for vdcnn
it should run smoothly and faster than before (thanks to lmdb).
Clone the repo
Go to vdcnn folder
cd nlp-benchmarks/src/vdcnn
Train the model
Edit the run/sh
file to train on other available datasets
'ag_news' 'db_pedia' 'yelp_review' 'yelp_polarity' 'amazon_review' 'amazon_polarity' 'sogu_news' 'yahoo_answer' 'imdb'
Let me know if it works for you guys
@ArdalanM Thanks for the updated version. It is much better.
I run it on ag_news. Cannot achieve the reported accuracy stated in the paper. normally 3-6% accuracy gap. It is also strongly dependent on different initialization and learning rate chosen.
I think the original paper may use some magic and tricks they didn't elaborate.
I achieved 0.9 accuracy running until 60 epochs for the ag_news, which is very close to the paper. However this number of epochs is very different from the reported 15 epochs the author claimed in the paper.
PS: I also had to add momentum of 0.9 to achieve this, which the code from this repo did not add.
thanks @andreabduque
added momentum
and the choice between adam
and sgd
Managed to get 90% accuracy with adam
Hi I have memoryError when running your code. I am running on ag_news dataset.
parameters: {'gpu': True, 'test_batch_size': 512, 'depth': 9, 'batch_size': 128, 'test_interval': 50, 'iterations': 1000, 'chunk_size': 2048, 'shortcut': False, 'lr': 0.01, 'maxlen': 1024, 'dataset': 'ag_news', 'lr_halve_interval': 100, 'model_folder': '/home/jingfeng/blockchain_proj/nlp/nlp-benchmarks-master/models/VDCNN/imdb', 'seed': 1337, 'last_pooling_layer': 'k-max-pooling', 'shuffle': False, 'class_weights': None} dataset: AgNews, n_classes: 4
My machine is 252G Mem and 60G Swp.