ArdenButterfield / stammer

Recreate any audio track by rearranging the frames of another video
MIT License
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line 171 file not found error. "No such file or directory frames\\frame12345.png" #40

Closed earo16 closed 1 year ago

earo16 commented 1 year ago

line 171 causes an issue where it tries to find a frame that doesn't exist

        shutil.copy(frames_dir / f'frame{match_num+1:06d}.png', outframes_dir / f'frame{i:06d}.png')

it's the "match_num+1" part. When it builds the output video-- if it points to the last frame in the frames temp folder, it tries to copy over a frame after that last frame, but it doesn't exist, and so it aborts the whole operation

I tried just removing the +1 from right there, but then it looks for frame000000 in the frames folder. So, I modified it to just copy frame000001 as frame000000

at line 169 I modified the code to be

shutil.copy(frames_dir / f'frame000001.png', frames_dir / f'frame000000.png')     //added this line to copy the frame

if type(best_matches) == list:
    for i, match_num in enumerate(best_matches):
        shutil.copy(frames_dir / f'frame{match_num:06d}.png', outframes_dir / f'frame{i:06d}.png')

I don't know Python like at all but this seems to have fixed the error for me

brilliant program, by the way. I love this thing. This is great

GarfQC commented 4 months ago

I tried doing that with what you used, but then it gives me:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 171, in <module>
    if type(best_matches) == list:
NameError: name 'best_matches' is not defined

did I do something wrong? how did you insert it?