ArdenButterfield / stammer

Recreate any audio track by rearranging the frames of another video
MIT License
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program keeps trying to access a frame beyond the end of the generated frames #51

Open rexendevar opened 1 year ago

rexendevar commented 1 year ago

My program has read and generated 87,211 frames, but it keeps trying to access frame 87,235. I don't know anything of why it's trying to do that.

ArdenButterfield commented 1 year ago

Sorry about that! Thank you for letting us know. I'll look into this. Do you mind trying again with the most recent version of the code? The code has undergone quite a few changes and bug fixes in the past few days. If you're still getting the error, what was the command you ran the program with? This can help us narrow down on the issue.