ArdenButterfield / stammer

Recreate any audio track by rearranging the frames of another video
MIT License
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Assertion Error issue (assumed to be caused by long mudulation file, maybe) #62

Open astatinedeposit opened 1 year ago

astatinedeposit commented 1 year ago

running into an issue with the program. i think the issue may be the length of my audio file modulator file(25min), but I am unsure. (Im an absolutely illiterate idiot with technical code such as this) If I've done something dumb I apologise problem usually occurs 7099 frames through the "building output video" segment.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users*name\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 309, in main() File "C:\Users*name\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 305, in main process(*vars(args)) File "C:\Users*name\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 265, in process build_output_video(handler, matcher) File "C:\Users*name\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 144, in build_output_video video_handler.write_frame(video_frame_i,video_handler.get_frame(carrier_video_frame+1)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users*name\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 90, in get_frame super().get_frame(idx) File "C:\Users*name*\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 41, in get_frame assert(idx > self.framecount) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AssertionError

edit: i got a temp fix working by setting the output as .mp3

Firepal commented 1 year ago

You've done nothing wrong. Very probably a duplicate of #9 et al. I introduced this assert because of those issues.

I have a hunch the bug is located within build_output_video but I can't parse a lot of the frame length math in my brains :^)

onedez commented 1 year ago

I had this same problem too. Got the same exact stack traceback.

Calculating video length Separating video frames frame=129578 fps=412 q=-0.0 Lsize=N/A time=01:30:04.48 bitrate=N/A speed=17.2x reading audio analyzing audio creating output audio building output video Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\myname\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 309, in main() File "C:\Users\myname\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 305, in main process(**vars(args)) File "C:\Users\myname\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 265, in process build_output_video(handler, matcher) File "C:\Users\myname\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 144, in build_output_video video_handler.write_frame(video_frame_i,video_handler.get_frame(carrier_video_frame+1)) File "C:\Users\myname\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 90, in get_frame super().get_frame(idx) File "C:\Users\myname\Downloads\stammer-main\stammer-main\", line 41, in get_frame assert(idx < self.framecount) AssertionError

However, my modulator track isn't the long one. It's my carrier track that's long. (90 minutes) It was around uh.. 1100-1300 frames into the "building output video" process out of 5300 frames.

I'm running this on Windows 11.

I tried this twice and got the same error output.

Firepal commented 1 year ago

@ArdenButterfield Can you clear up the purpose of the +1 in line 144 of this code?