ArdenButterfield / stammer

Recreate any audio track by rearranging the frames of another video
MIT License
434 stars 29 forks source link

Would like a video tutorial on this #76

Open refreshedcyberjohn opened 1 year ago

refreshedcyberjohn commented 1 year ago

Are there any tutorial vids on this to make it easier? I'm reading the instructions but failing to get it working.

tyryry1107 commented 1 year ago

I can help with that. What issues are you having?

refreshedcyberjohn commented 1 year ago

Pretty much installing stuff in newer Python like numpy, scipy, pillow and all that

tyryry1107 commented 1 year ago

Well, assuming that you have pip already installed (which should come pre-installed in Python, more information on installing pip here), it should be as simple as typing pip install -r requirements.txt on the command line, as according to the original instructions. You should not be using the Python command line to do this, however, because doing so leads to this error:

  File "<stdin>", line 1
    pip install -r requirements.txt
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Instead, you should be using the regular command line on your computer (on Windows or Linux or whatever). Then the installation should work just fine. Note that you have to install ffmpeg as well, and if you want help with that here's a guide that can help.

I think the instructions after that to use STAMMER on command line should be relatively clear. However, you should know that you should put the full directory path to where is for it to work, like so: python C:\Users\[yourname]\Downloads\ otherwise python will try to search for it in the command line's default directory (like C:\Users\[yourname] or C:\WINDOWS\system32, etc.), and then you might get an error.

Other than that you should be fine, but if you're have trouble even typing python on the command line in the first place, click here.

Xechorizo commented 4 months ago

Are there any tutorial vids on this to make it easier? I'm reading the instructions but failing to get it working.

Made this. Hopefully it helps!: