ArdiArtani / Google-Drive-Player-Script

Grab google drive streaming links (
MIT License
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Quality Changer (403 Error) #7

Open callmeWash opened 7 years ago

callmeWash commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the great scrip altho there is an issue sometimes the video id starts with:

0Bz- (This is not working)

Other than that this is the best i have found, ill donate once this is resolve :)

ArdiArtani commented 7 years ago

Can you send me the link let me take a look

callmeWash commented 7 years ago

callmeWash commented 7 years ago

Funny this works jus fine, maybe is the file type? 0B-5FC9-wtiZzclppeUxlQ21pQW8

ArdiArtani commented 7 years ago

@wteran Both urls are working for me

asnawibato commented 7 years ago

Yeah me too ... all file id is working... it is possible if ever i use jwplayer?

Sweeeeep commented 7 years ago

@gnouv how you manage to get that redirector link without driveid params ?

Sweeeeep commented 7 years ago

@gnouv where did you get that link ?

Sweeeeep commented 7 years ago

@gnouv what is the link ?

Sweeeeep commented 7 years ago

@gnouv wow how they manage to get that with out params driveid JUST WOW Hahaha

mkalyon commented 7 years ago

@gnouv this site hide driveid, if you dont use drive id you cannot get stream links.

mkalyon commented 7 years ago

@gnouv I know, this site hide driveid before get links. They use driveid in their php codes. Therefore we can see only redirect links.

mkalyon commented 7 years ago

@gnouv ok thanks I cannot explain it. Sorry for my English.

ArdiArtani commented 7 years ago

If anyone can help me please you are more than welcome to join.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ArdiArtani google did another update 1 day ago and now is very very hard to get the redirectors:(. Saw the solution on, a VN guy did it without driveid parameter..

Sweeeeep commented 7 years ago

@cristiantimar did already fixed the issue ?

ghost commented 7 years ago

@Sweeeeep Yes. but not every request will show you the redirectors, if you refresh every api call if it doesn't tell your the redirectors, after many refresh it will. I think that happened because they have VPS..

Sweeeeep commented 7 years ago

@cristiantimar ohh okay !

asnawibato commented 7 years ago

Only mp4 format supported but some format is not working. like flv and avi.

ArdiArtani commented 7 years ago

@TheTreesNetwork Do you have a demo site ?

dicksin2017 commented 7 years ago

google drive quota exceeded

callmeWash commented 7 years ago

@dicksin2017 yes the script uses the direct download link to stream from google server, that's why u get a quota. it would be better to use api and then send request so it stores it, so the quota won't appear but Google made some changes and is making it hard but not impossible, i guess the trick will be rely on the experts. I'm still a novice with all this lol

mkalyon commented 7 years ago

Hi, :)

Sweeeeep commented 7 years ago

@TheTreesNetwork do you have demo ?

asnawibato commented 7 years ago

how to remove youtube branding in player control?

On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 11:46 PM, mkalyon wrote:

Hi, Suprise :) allow_embed=0&ps=docs&partnerid=30&autoplay=0&docid= 0B50oVWIHzhRuLXVBb1o0cDQtVGM

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japnimedev commented 7 years ago

The problem is how we overcome that "403 Forbidden" error.

callmeWash commented 7 years ago

@threathgfx the forbidden error appears if the api has been terminated or no api at all you can see how it works on the google api console.

japnimedev commented 7 years ago

@wteran so basically, if I insert an api script. This 403 thing will vanish and the video will work? Cuz I'm really confuse now since I've check this site "" and the video links are not working Test site: Test site2:

callmeWash commented 7 years ago

yes however there is been some modifications on the google apis, due to the amount of illegal hosting altho there is ways it is hard to get, moreover vpn seems to way to go also there is some coherent with youtube's api now so it might be easier but like i mentioned before I'm not an expert in this.

ArdiArtani commented 7 years ago

Guys I tried everything I even bought a hosting that supports ipv6 but it's not working. We need more people to contribute and lets make this happen :)

japnimedev commented 7 years ago

@ArdiArtani I've discovered something but I think you have seen this tho, sent from your email. If you manage to get what I mean from that email, by getting the links of it by their quality then hopefully this will succeed since pre_replace this urls to will not work unless you have methods of it. (Decode the file by url decoder to understand it)

milankragujevic commented 7 years ago

Anyone got info? I know how to get link from iOS that does not require cookie, but I can't get redirector links working from server to client. the ios method only works on one ip.

ArdiArtani commented 7 years ago

@threathgfx I saw it I'm working on it. @milankragujevic can you send me the ios script my email is

japnimedev commented 7 years ago

@milankragujevic can i see that method, send here :)

japnimedev commented 7 years ago

@gnouv thanks, I think I'm closer to solve this 403 thing

ArdiArtani commented 7 years ago

@gnouv Thanks very helpful. @threathgfx lets get it done 👍

ArdiArtani commented 7 years ago

Does anyone know the programming language Ruby on Rails?

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ArdiArtani yes, feel free to email me -

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ArdiArtani, @gnouv I have the solution with drive id and ipbits = 0. the script works with an android mobile token and with gsuite accounts. So a gsuite accounts allow up to 500 requests / 24 hours. I already use it with 140 gsuite accounts. I can share it with you if have some ideas. Please contact me at

My solution also works with google normal account but ipbtis will be 128.

ArdiArtani commented 7 years ago

@cristiantimar What if we create multiply gmail accounts and once it hits 500 switch to another account can we do that?

ghost commented 7 years ago

Yes, the script will automatically search for the account which didn't already made 500 requests. but for example, I have 9000 videos on my site, I need 160 accounts. PS: 160 gsuite emails.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ppoot Let's say that you have an gsuite email account, it will allow you to get redirectors for a video 500 times in 24 hours. but you do not need to take it 500 times for a video, only 8 times, because a redirector works 3 hours. If you have a lot of videos you need a lot of gsuite mail accounts. I will publish an api example on my site.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I made an example now on my site. To get redirectors:

Parameter "id" is the driveid of the video file. Parameter accounts is the json url of gsuite email accounts(I added this way because probably some of you need more available requests)

For the parameter accounts you have to use your own domain and add accounts into a file like this:

$accounts = [
    [ 'email' => '', 'pass' => 'password' ],
    [ 'email' => '', 'pass' => 'password' ],
    [ 'email' => '', 'pass' => 'password' ],
    [ 'email' => '', 'pass' => 'password' ],
    [ 'email' => '', 'pass' => 'password' ],
    [ 'email' => '', 'pass' => 'passowrd' ]

$js =  json_encode($accounts, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
echo $js;

// Then you have to call my api like this
$driveid = "0B7xwjpC8UmMdR0hTMlBZSUNTY1E";
$url = "".$driveid."&accounts=https://yourwebsite/accounts.php";
$content = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
//$content variable will contain json request

In this way, you will get redirectors by using your gsuite email accounts, else you will not get them.

Sweeeeep commented 7 years ago

so ur api service is free ?

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 8:10 PM, TCR wrote:

I made an example now on my site. To get redirectors: 0B7xwjpC8UmMdR0hTMlBZSUNTY1E&accounts= example_accounts.php

Parameter "id" is the driveid of the video file. Parameter accounts is the json url of gsuite email accounts(I added this way because probably some of you need more available requests)

For the parameter accounts you have to use your own domain and add accounts in to an file like this: '', 'pass' => 'password' ], [ 'email' => '', 'pass' => 'password' ], [ 'email' => '', 'pass' => 'password' ], [ 'email' => '', 'pass' => 'password' ], [ 'email' => '', 'pass' => 'password' ], [ 'email' => '', 'pass' => 'passowrd' ] ]; $js = json_encode($accounts, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); echo $js; ?>

In this way, you will get redirectors by using your gsuite email accounts, else you will not get them.

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ghost commented 7 years ago

Yes. but if server will have over 1 milion of requests daily I will close it.

Sweeeeep commented 7 years ago

so what is the solution to high traffic site ? is your script open for selling ?

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 8:18 PM, TCR wrote:

Yes. but if server will have over 1 milion of requests daily I will close it.

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ghost commented 7 years ago

The solution for high traffic is to add many gsutie email accounts. Script is not for sale. You can calculate how many accounts you need if: 1 accounts allows 500 requests at every 24 hours. A video need 8 requests at every 24 hours.

Edit. If you want to use my api, you have the example how to add accounts above.

Sweeeeep commented 7 years ago

@cristiantimar okay!

caianjj commented 7 years ago

but how did this site not include the &driveid in the streaming link,ei,expire,id,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,pcm2cms,pl,requiressl,source,ttl&signature=4A8B2CA3C473770575BCAF62D458537C8BFEBDD1.0EBAA89AFCA54BA1E383653ABA801F059991BA75&api=0BFB5A7FA53A19DD9886DD90A6ECF&key=cms1&app=storage&cms_redirect=yes&mip=2001:982&mm=31&mn=sn-mn4vg5aa-5hnl&ms=au&mt=1496838885&mv=m&pcm2cms=yes

BrunoGysin commented 7 years ago

No need to add thousands of accounts, it is possible to use the same. Before 24h. It is still a manual process, but I intend to make it automatic.

japnimedev commented 7 years ago

I need a script that may result as app=storage, what post url did they use?