ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

This is the repository for ArduCAM USB Camera Shield
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AR0134 640X480 setting and image capture problem #103

Open studennis911988 opened 5 years ago

studennis911988 commented 5 years ago

First of all, really appreciate your time. I got two questions: 1. How to set resolution to 640x480 successfully? I had tried #74(both the setting you advice and the file provided by the person who proposed the issue) but that didn't work for me, and I still got 640x484( by using rostopic echo topic/height & width command).

Here is my .json file (with "** " which you suggest to modified)

2. I would like to get image and get the corresponding time in order to do photometric calibration, since I notice there is a rosservice to capture the image, I'm wondering how can I get the image and its corresponding time in the file format?

Thanks in advance!