ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

This is the repository for ArduCAM USB Camera Shield
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Large delay when using Python bindings with MT9F001 #109

Open timrae opened 5 years ago

timrae commented 5 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Connect MT9F001
  2. cd Linux_x86/Python/Streaming_demo
  3. sudo python ../../../python_config/MT9F001_14MP.json
  4. Get a consistent frame rate of ~2 frames/second
  5. But when I put my hand in front of the camera, I have to wait for about 3 seconds until I see the camera update

Note that in the C++ version, this delay issue does not occur, so I suspect there is an issue somewhere with the python bindings. By disabling cv2.imshow() in the python script, I can get up to 5 frames per second (same as C++), but still the delay issue is there.

ArduCAM commented 5 years ago

Yes, the python version has lower speed and long latency than C/C++ examples.

timrae commented 5 years ago

The latency is too long, can you improve, or open source the python bindings?