ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

This is the repository for ArduCAM USB Camera Shield
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Error capture image, rtn_val = 65318 for OV7251 #119

Closed chris24sahadeo closed 4 years ago

chris24sahadeo commented 4 years ago

Hey All, we are getting this issue when using OV7251_MIPI_RAW10.yml config for the following setup:

Command: ./ArduCam_Demo ../../../cpp_config/OV7251_MIPI_RAW10.yml


index:   0  Serial:AU3S-1901-0005
Serial: AU3S-1901-0005
capture thread create successfully.
read thread create successfully.
Capture began, rtn_val = 0
Error capture image, rtn_val = 65318
Error capture image, rtn_val = 65318
Error capture image, rtn_val = 65318

Any help would be appreciated

glddiv commented 4 years ago

Hi @chris24sahadeo Sorry to reply to you so late, we are replacing the linux configuration file format with .cfg, which should solve your problem.

Please try this example: (command: sudo ./ArduCam_Demo ./OV7251_MIPI_RAW10.cfg)

In addition to the dependencies before Streaming_demo, you also need to install arducam_config_parser.

chris24sahadeo commented 4 years ago

Hey @glddiv

The new that you included works!

We had to delete the included executable and run make to generate a new executable and that got rid of the Error capture image, rtn_val = 65318 error. The Streaming_demo works fine now.

We would like to use the camera with ROS. Do you have an updated ROS package that uses the new .cfg file? If yes then kindly send it our way.

Much thanks for the assist.

glddiv commented 4 years ago

@chris24sahadeo I have not fully tested it, please let me know if there are any problems.

chris24sahadeo commented 4 years ago

@glddiv The ROS package you sent works :)

Minor note: Initially when running the arducam_node.launch file and rosservice call /cam0/arducam/capture, we ran into the following exception from CV Bridge:

encoding specified as bgr8, but image has incompatible type 8UC1

Changing "bgr8" to "8UC1" in line 194 of the file fixed this error.

Subscribing to the /cam0/arducam/camera/image_raw topic in RViz works well even without the aforementioned tweak.

The only remaining concern is that the image from the camera appears dark (underexposed). Not sure if this is a hardware limitation of the camera itself, or if it can be tweaked in the .cfg file. If you can shed some light on this subject, it would be much appreciated.

Otherwise, we are up and running!

Thanks again for all the help.

glddiv commented 4 years ago

@chris24sahadeo Yes, the exposure time can be adjusted by modifying some registers (adjusted in the configuration file or adjusted in the program). Please check the sensor data sheet for which registers need to be adjusted. OV7251 Datasheet This is a description of the OV7251 exposure register: OV7251-Datasheet

chris24sahadeo commented 4 years ago

@glddiv Thanks for the exposure value.

Just a note for a future package release. We (and I'm sure others out there) would like to use the camera_calibration package which requires the camera/set_camera_info service and /camera/camera_info topic whereas the ArduCam package has only the /camera/image_raw topic.

In the meanwhile we will try to iterate on your code and maybe submit a PR.