ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

This is the repository for ArduCAM USB Camera Shield
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Problems with the external trigger mode of ArduCam0134 #125

Open lenoe opened 4 years ago

lenoe commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am a student of medical engineering from germany and I am using the ArduCam AR0134 for my bachelor thesis. I try to make the ArduCam run in external trigger mode. The ArduCam is connected to the USB 2.0 camera shield. The exernal trigger pin is controlled by a 5V square wave signal and is triggered with a frequency of 1 per second. I want to use the external trigger Demo by python and the python_config data „AR0134_960p_ext_trigger.json“. When I start the program I get, rather than that I receieve every second a picture, mostly error messanges and only a few pictures. Fehlermeldung The supply is structered as follows:

IMG_20191015_090221 I hope you can help me.