ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

This is the repository for ArduCAM USB Camera Shield
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AR0135-M External Trigger image is delayed #129

Open BMaxBrooks opened 4 years ago

BMaxBrooks commented 4 years ago

We are currently attempted to use the external trigger mechanism in the AR0135 camera. We have hooked it up, and are able to image using the Python ArduCam_Ext_Trigger_Demo and an Arduino signal (the signal takes approximately 400 micro seconds). It only works when camera board is set to REG -> 0x301a = 0x10dc, and set external trigger mode on the shield through the Arducam SDK. The signal from the Arduino is only plugged into the AR0135 board, not the USB shield, as that is the only way we could get it to work.

The behavior we are seeing though is very strange, an example is shown using the below python code.

While loop : value = ArducamSDK.Py_ArduCam_isFrameReady(handle) if value == 1: time.sleep(5) getAndDisplaySingleFrame(handle,0) cv2.waitKey(10)

I have an external trigger mechanism from the Arduino that is tripped, making 'value' = 1. Instead of it just displaying the image immediately I then waited 5 seconds before getting and displaying the frame. After the pause I then read the buffer, and instead of it giving me the scene during the trigger it gave me the current scenes image. In looking at the buffer there is only 1 image.

Also, the python command 'ArducamSDK.Py_ArduCam_flush(handle)' does not appear to do anything when called when the camera is in external trigger mode.

Camera : AR0135 - M Camera shield : USB 2.0 Rev D Camera shield Python 3.6

Thank you for your help!