ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

This is the repository for ArduCAM USB Camera Shield
126 stars 69 forks source link

C++ and MFC #13

Open buceno opened 6 years ago

buceno commented 6 years ago

Hello A few weeks ago I bought the Arducam_USB module with some models of CMOS sensors. I have only tried USBTest with the MT9V034 and it works correctly.

First to thank ArduCam for enabling your products to learn and program these sensors to new people who start in this, it is hard to start directly with complex MCUs or FPGA.

I am very familiar with VS and C # and I find it difficult and impractical to use C ++ and MFC. Is not there the possibility of having the libraries in C #? Greetings and thank you

ArduCAM commented 6 years ago

We didn't have C# demo yet, but will write a simple demo for C# shortly. Send me email for detail support