ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

This is the repository for ArduCAM USB Camera Shield
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Can't use two camera on Rpi4 #136

Open yeongrok opened 4 years ago

yeongrok commented 4 years ago

I connected 2 cameras to Rpi4 with 2 shields, one for each. I modified Streaming_demo source code and build 2 binary files to open each camera.
When I ran a binary, it worked normally with a camera but ran 2 binaries together, it didn't work. Error messages like below kept showing up on both binaries. My cameras were both OV5647 and Shields are both USB3.0_UC-425_Rev.C+UC-489. The cameras were connected to shield by MIPI using 15pin to 22pin cable that was included in Arducam USB 2.0 shield. FYI, 2.0 Shield has same problem. I used configuration file named "OV5647_MIPI_2Lane_RAW10_10b_2592x1944_16fps.cfg". The other configuration file didn't work even with a camera.

USB_CAMERA_DATA_LEN_ERROR RECEIVE_LENGTH: 5032320 Error capture image, rtn_val = 65316 Error capture image, rtn_val = 65316 USB_CAMERA_DATA_LEN_ERROR RECEIVE_LENGTH: 5032320 Error capture image, rtn_val = 65316 Error capture image, rtn_val = 65316 Error capture image, rtn_val = 65316 USB_CAMERA_DATA_LEN_ERROR RECEIVE_LENGTH: 5032320

ArduCAM commented 4 years ago

@yeongrok Would you please post the question on our forum :