ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

This is the repository for ArduCAM USB Camera Shield
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USB Transfer Timeout Error #154

Open rellidenahs opened 3 years ago

rellidenahs commented 3 years ago

Howdy all, I recently purchased the OV3640 and the USB2.0 REVD camera shield. I plugged in the OV3640, aligning pin 1 on both boards and installed the drivers for my x64 operating system. When I use the x64 Release USBTEST GUI on Windows 10, I can successfully scan, load the config file, and open the camera. However, when I click "play" I get an error - "USB transfer timeout error"

After some quick googling, it seems like this is related to the external trigger but I am not using one of these, I'm just trying to use the windows gui to see through the camera.

I contacted the distributor I purchased from and they are having no errors using their own OV3640 with the same config file. Does anybody have a suggestion? OV3640 setup1 OV3640 setup2 usb transfer timeout error