ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

This is the repository for ArduCAM USB Camera Shield
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Windows 10 Cannot find driver #170

Open ste-arm opened 2 years ago

ste-arm commented 2 years ago

I am following the windows driver installation instructions from the Arducam website. I have enabled unsigned drivers. When I plug the camera in, Windows is automatically installing a generic "USB Video Device", not showing as unrecognized as in the instructions. when I try and update the driver manually by searching the git hub files "C:\Users\user\ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield\Drivers\x64" only the cyusb.inf file is visible and I receive a message saying "The folder you specified doesn't contain a compatible software driver for your device. If the folder contains a driver, make sure it is designed to work with Windows for x64-based systems." no compatible driver

andremessias commented 2 years ago

Hello @ste-arm ! Did you fixed that problem?

I also get this error following the drive installation instructions. However, my W10 always install the "automatic" windows drivers. I would like to use the ArdumCam USB Camera Demo because I would like to change the CfgFile to change the default frame size.

I'm building a sollution that as to take a frame/shot after a trigger, but I have to set the frame size ever I take the frame. That means to take more 1,2 seconds in my process.

Can you gime your opinion/feedback?

conrad503 commented 2 years ago

Same problem. Has anyone found a solution?

WaterCube001 commented 2 years ago

same problem.

KwonHyeonSu commented 2 years ago

same too

mcix commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue, has anyone found a solution?

mcix commented 2 years ago

I was trying to use it with an Arducam CSI-USB UVC Camera Adapter Board, but for that board this application should be used:

thomasyang18 commented 1 year ago

Same issue :/