ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

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OV9281 config file question #185

Open MaximeRiouEPFL opened 1 year ago

MaximeRiouEPFL commented 1 year ago


How to reproduce Using the python demo script and adding the following line to make the camera display a test pattern

ArducamSDK.Py_ArduCam_writeSensorReg(handle, 0x5E00, 0b10000010)

after The output image is the following RGB image. Given that the OV9281 camera is monochrome I find this odd.


Question In the ov9281 config file, under [camera parameter], I found: Which would stand for RAW/RGB. Given the OV9281 is a monochrome camera, why is it configured like this? Shouldn't it be FORMAT=4 (Mono)? In my understanding, if the correct setting is monochrome and the camera is set to raw/RGB, why is there no segmentation fault or a similar error given that it is trying to read 3 times more data?

Why do the images not appear RGB when running normally? image0

Other question Every time I start recording, there is the following error

Error capture image, rtn_val =  65317

Which stands for ArducamSDK.USB_CAMERA_FRAME_INDEX_ERROR = 0xFF25 And then everything works fine:

fps: 44 /s

Is there a way to not get this error at the start?