ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

This is the repository for ArduCAM USB Camera Shield
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Color Readout of MT9F002 orange #61

Open icfaust opened 5 years ago

icfaust commented 5 years ago


I'm currently using a MT9F002 14MP with the lens which comes with a MT9J001. Even though I think it doesn't have an IR cut filter, my images (jpg from the streaming_demo) are coming out orange using the MT9F002 .cfg file. Is there a guide to the register and/or camera parameters so that I can try to color correct the jpg output? Is there something fundamental I am not doing properly? Note: I haven't looked at the raw data yet either (pre bayer).

ArduCAM commented 5 years ago

We one shipped MT9F001 camera right now, so please use MT9F001 config file and try it again.

icfaust commented 5 years ago

Ah. I am using a transplanted MT9F002 from another non-Arducam camera board. I can send you an email about this project (I bought several MT9J001 boards for this purpose).

Using the MT9F001 cfg the images are coming out rather white/black and aren't showing the proper colors (maybe a gain or saturation issue?)

ArduCAM commented 5 years ago

Please send your hardware setup photo to