ArduCAM / ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield

This is the repository for ArduCAM USB Camera Shield
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Raspberry pi External Trigger #66

Open habib-Boloorchi opened 5 years ago

habib-Boloorchi commented 5 years ago

I want to manipulate a camera to give me image 20 fps by external trigger but it made for 2 cameras and I just want to use one camera and an Imu with different timestamps. would you tell me which parameters have to be changed to do this job? Would you tell me how to change it to make a Rosbag from it?

Razbotics commented 4 years ago

Exactly same thing i want to do. Did you achieve it? I will buy the camera if external triggering works.

habib-Boloorchi commented 4 years ago

The trigger works but the data wont come to raspberry consistantly. It has too much delay and delays will change time to time. It is not stable. I am keep searching to find a better choice.

Razbotics commented 4 years ago

Did u tried with your laptop or pc?

habib-Boloorchi commented 4 years ago

I will try it next week, and call u back.

Razbotics commented 4 years ago

Yes please do it and let me know. So that i can buy the camera module