Open galla15 opened 2 years ago
I've actually found the solution to my problem. I didn't set the auto focus mode to auto before sending an auto focus trigger. This can be achieved using the method SetControls() form libcamera-apps lib.
libcamera::ControlList controls;
controls.set(libcamera::controls::AfMode, libcamera::controls::AfModeAuto);
Then the auto focus can be triggered using the following:
libcamera::ControlList controls;
controls.set(libcamera::controls::AfTrigger, libcamera::controls::AfTriggerStart);
All the available controls can be found
I'm trying to implent a code that uses libcamera-apps librairies to control a Arducam 64MP. I can't get the autofocus to work like your libcamera-still does. I applied all the patches that I found in this repo (under realese). Could you please provide the source code of your libcamera-apps (installed through the script) or a patch to apply to the base raspberry/libcamera-apps.