ArduCAM / Arduino

This is ArduCAM library for Arduino boards
MIT License
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Support for platformio y #128

Open goetzmoritz opened 7 years ago

goetzmoritz commented 7 years ago

I there,

I'd like to use platformio for development but it seems like for my generic ESP8266 module or for my nodeMCU I have to use your custom esp8266-core-library as with the regular esp8266 library that comes with platformio I only get messed up images and in another post you mention that for regular esp8266-users one has to use your image. So, how do I proceed with my issue? I just failed when I tried to import your customized esp8266-core-library into platformio, is there a workaround for me? Thanks.

dprophet commented 7 years ago

If you are looking for internet connectivity I use ArduCAM with I think you will find out that if you add too much code in the Arduino side you will run out of 32k space. Plenty of space in the OpenWrt Linux side and a lot better Internet connectivity.

goetzmoritz commented 7 years ago


thank you for your hint. Unfortunatly I'm bound to ESP8266. Is it possible for us to get an updated version of the ESP8266-Arducam-branch? That would be so great.

Btw: The actual ESP8266-Arduino-Software is at version 2.3.0, the non-updated arducam-esp8266-core-version is at version 2.2.1

buschnyj commented 6 years ago

Hello @ArduCAM, can you please weigh in on this? I am attempting to use the 2mp camera module. There is no option on the PlatformIO Library Manger:

Attempting to save the Arduino folder under /Platformio_Projcet_Name/lib does not link to it.

Thank you.

ArduCAM commented 6 years ago

The founder of PlatformIO Ivan Kravets just create a pull request for supporting this, please check:

buschnyj commented 6 years ago

Noted. Thank you