ArduCAM / Arduino

This is ArduCAM library for Arduino boards
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ArduCam Mini - Arduino Zero/M0 Error #145

Open KoRba88 opened 7 years ago

KoRba88 commented 7 years ago

When compiling example i get this error (newest library and IDE)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\ArduCAM/ArduCAM.h:431:2: error: 'regtype' does not name a type

regtype *P_CS;


C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\ArduCAM/ArduCAM.h:432:2: error: 'regsize' does not name a type

regsize B_CS;


exit status 1

supprot commented 7 years ago

@KoRba88 Hi, Very sorry to hear your problem. Our ArduCAM is not compatible with with the Arduino /Genuino zero platform temporarily. We will optimize the code and give you a reply as soon as possible.

Let us konw if you need more help. Regards, ArduCAM support team.

KoRba88 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the fast replay.

I use arducam mini for scientific project at my university so I will be very glad if you solve this issue soon

Also on the ESP32 witch arduino core I have the same error code. Mayby you will fix it too at one time ;] ?

supprot commented 7 years ago

@KoRba88 Hi, Please try adding the code which is compatible with the arm platform in the ArduCAM.h file.

if defined(arm)

define cbi(reg, bitmask) *reg &= ~bitmask

define sbi(reg, bitmask) *reg |= bitmask

define pulse_high(reg, bitmask) sbi(reg, bitmask); cbi(reg, bitmask);

define pulse_low(reg, bitmask) cbi(reg, bitmask); sbi(reg, bitmask);

define cport(port, data) port &= data

define sport(port, data) port |= data

define swap(type, i, j) {type t = i; i = j; j = t;}

define fontbyte(x) cfont.font[x]

define regtype volatile uint32_t

define regsize uint32_t

define PROGMEM

#define pgm_read_byte(x)        (*((char *)x))

// #define pgm_read_word(x) (((short )(x & 0xfffffffe)))

define pgm_read_word(x) ( ((((unsigned char )x + 1)) << 8) + (((unsigned char )x)))

#define pgm_read_byte_near(x)   (*((char *)x))
#define pgm_read_byte_far(x)    (*((char *)x))

// #define pgm_read_word_near(x) (((short )(x & 0xfffffffe)) // #define pgm_read_word_far(x) (((short )(x & 0xfffffffe)))

define pgm_read_word_near(x) ( ((((unsigned char )x + 1)) << 8) + (((unsigned char )x)))

#define pgm_read_word_far(x)    ( ((*((unsigned char *)x + 1)) << 8) + (*((unsigned char *)x))))
#define PSTR(x)  x

if defined F

#undef F


define F(X) (X)


Let us know if you need more help. Regards, ArduCAM support team.

KoRba88 commented 7 years ago

I added this code and nothing, the same error.

supprot commented 7 years ago

@KoRba88 Hi, Please use this ArduCAM.h we send to you . We have tested it and it can work fine. Please look at the pictures below: 71887fbd-8aa7-4f2e-9eb4-1256e9bb68a1 jimg-a18070f3-28a5-44b1-962f-0f2df8ec6c5d

Let us know if you need more help. Regards, ArduCAM support team.

KoRba88 commented 7 years ago

Compiled with 0 errors but serial monitor display only ACK CMD SPI1 interface Error! ACK CMD SPI2 interface Error! ACK CMD SPI3 interface Error! ACK CMD SPI4 interface Error!

I have tried both ICSP and 13,12,11 pins

supprot commented 7 years ago

@KoRba88 Hi, What's your SPI CS? In our demo,the default SPI CS is 4,5,6,7. Let us know if you need more help.

Regards, ArduCAM support team.

KoRba88 commented 7 years ago

I have CS pin ok, i tried 4,5,6,7 and nothing. Also I tried Arduino M0 and Sparkfun boards and the same error.

And also how your sketch works as you use Serial insteed of SerialUSB in M0 ?

supprot commented 7 years ago

@KoRba88 Hi, there is a vitual serial port which is turn from USB in the M0 board.After power on,please try to wait a moment. Let us know if you need more help. Regards, ArduCAM support team.

ahmadrezarazian commented 6 years ago

Hi dude I use STM32F103C , but I have same errors yet. I'm so pleased if you fix it for this.

good luck, TanX

supprot commented 6 years ago

@ahmadrezarazian Hi, Maybe your SPI driver exist some errors. Please send us your email address and we will send you our camera driver on STM32 platform.