ArduCAM / Arduino

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Need help in initializing Arducam #405

Closed Kyanaam closed 5 years ago

Kyanaam commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have set up Arducam Shield Mini 5MP Plus with Beaglebone Black Rev C. I am able to read/write Arducam registers through SPI and I2C. I have gone through OV5642 datasheet and SW application notes.

I am unable to get frame size anything different from 8 when I read registers 0x42~0x44. When I perform single read 10 times to read frame buffer I get all 0's for first 8 reads and then possibly some garbage value for remaining reads.

I suspect wrong initialization of arducam. Now my problem is that I am a newbie and there are too many registers involved in initialization. I am including "ov5642_regs.h" in my source code. What are the registers that I should focus on? Any leads/clues would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance.

ArduCAM commented 5 years ago

Please have a look at the following code, although it is quite old and prreliminary. Why you get 8 bytes frame size, it probably you forgot the set the inverse the VSYNC polarity register.

Kyanaam commented 5 years ago

Many many thanks. I am able to get a good frame size and could see end of frame with 0xFF and 0xD9 as well. Setting VSYNC polarity register to active low was the key.

Kyanaam commented 5 years ago

Hi, I get a valid JPEG image from arducam on beaglebone black with above suggestion. I transfer this image to Ubuntu PC to view it but I see an image that is just black and no image. I have seen this or similar issue reported on many forum but no resolution. Is there no solution? I have tried including ov5642_regs.h from many places and with various init options. Is there any help available? Should I contact OmniVision?


ArduCAM commented 5 years ago

Please upload the image and we can check what happened. OmniVision won't help.

Kyanaam commented 5 years ago

20160125023557 Please find image attached.

Kyanaam commented 5 years ago

Were you able to look into it? Any updates?

ArduCAM commented 5 years ago

The image is good but only too dark I guess, once you initialize the camera you have to wait for few seconds for AWB, AE to be stable then start a capture.

Kyanaam commented 5 years ago

When I introduce a delay of two seconds just before "start capture", I see a strange behavior- After capture is done I get very big Frame size, almost 4 times bigger. And when I read FIFO (one at a time and not a burst read) I never get FFD9 which should be there at the end of every JPEG image. This is not the case without any delay.

Kyanaam commented 5 years ago

It works now. I added 3 seconds of delay after initializing the camera. Perhaps last time around I was doing something wrong after adding delay. But I can see a good clear picture now.