ArduCAM / Arduino

This is ArduCAM library for Arduino boards
MIT License
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error: ‘i2c_smbus_write_word_data’ was not declared in this scope #480

Open thaiwash opened 4 years ago

thaiwash commented 4 years ago

I tried to raspberry this, and i went to ArduCAM/examples/RaspberryPi and typed make

g++ -std=c++0x -I./ -I../../../ArduCAM -c arducam_arch_raspberrypi.c arducam_arch_raspberrypi.c: In function ‘uint8_t arducam_i2c_word_write(uint16_t, uint8_t)’: arducam_arch_raspberrypi.c:125:3: error: ‘i2c_smbus_write_word_data’ was not declared in this scope i2c_smbus_write_word_data(FD, reg_H, value); ^~~~~~~~~ arducam_arch_raspberrypi.c:125:3: note: suggested alternative: ‘i2c_smbus_ioctl_data’ i2c_smbus_write_word_data(FD, reg_H, value); ^~~~~~~~~ i2c_smbus_ioctl_data arducam_arch_raspberrypi.c: In function ‘uint8_t arducam_i2c_word_read(uint16_t, uint8_t)’: arducam_arch_raspberrypi.c:140:7: error: ‘i2c_smbus_write_byte_data’ was not declared in this scope r = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(FD,reg_H,reg_L); ^~~~~~~~~ arducam_arch_raspberrypi.c:140:7: note: suggested alternative: ‘i2c_smbus_ioctl_data’ r = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(FD,reg_H,reg_L); ^~~~~~~~~ i2c_smbus_ioctl_data arducam_arch_raspberrypi.c:143:13: error: ‘i2c_smbus_read_byte’ was not declared in this scope regDat = i2c_smbus_read_byte(FD); ^~~~~~~ arducam_arch_raspberrypi.c:143:13: note: suggested alternative: ‘i2c_smbus_data’ *regDat = i2c_smbus_read_byte(FD); ^~~~~~~ i2c_smbus_data

thaiwash commented 4 years ago

I added #include

to arducam_arch_raspberrypi.c

and copypasted the content of the .c file from (I know, hackish)

I got it compiling!

now I need to figure out how to plug the pins, I know how to wire 4 wires now, 3.3v, gnd and SCL and SCK

running: sudo ./ov2640_capture -c test.jpg 320x240 I get: Unable to open I2C device: No such file or directory

ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago

Hi, You may not turned on the I2C device, so you can try this link.

thaiwash commented 4 years ago

I have i2c working since i can run my gyro no poblem. I'm using only 4 pins right now, 3.3v, gnd and sck sda its not even detecting the camera with i2cdetect -y 1

ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago

Perhaps you have a problem with the I2C method, I suggest you refer to our example on raspberry pi. Link

thaiwash commented 4 years ago

Perhaps you have a problem with the I2C method, I suggest you refer to our example on raspberry pi. Link

Okay, i'll try that, what about the pin configurations, is having only sda and sck okay for spi?

ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago

The I2C pins of the camera are SCL and SDA. The SPI pins are CS、MOSI、MISO and SCK, is your I2C clock using SCK?

thaiwash commented 4 years ago

no, its using SCL

thaiwash commented 4 years ago

So, I wire up both I2C and SPI before running the program?

thaiwash commented 4 years ago

thaiwash commented 4 years ago

so, pins are BCM9 = 21 (MISO) BCM10 = 19 (MOSI) BCM11 = 23 (SCLK) BCM0 = 27 (SPI0)

I'm going to wire up SPI only.

ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago

so, pins are BCM9 = 21 (MISO) BCM10 = 19 (MOSI) BCM11 = 23 (SCLK) BCM0 = 27 (SPI0)

I'm going to wire up SPI only.

BCM0 is not used, please wire the CS to BCM17. You could see the README.

thaiwash commented 4 years ago

This is from the readme,

//SPI pins //set 9 (MISO), 10 (MOSI), 11 (SCLK) alt fxn 0 (SPI0)

I dont know what alt fxn means thoough..

UCTRONICS commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the readme mislead you. Just ignore the alt fxn (SPI0), which just want to tell you to use SPI0.

thaiwash commented 4 years ago

dgram2 Lets draw a picture here, where is MISO MOSI SCLK and SPI0 on the camera?

ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago

The ArduCAM/RaspberryPi/SPI_Camera/ is used for the specified camera, as shown in the following figure, for reference: Not the parallel camera in your picture. image

phymatld commented 4 years ago

I have the same question at first。finally ,I can compile it. but when I run the command line sudo ./ov5642_capture -c test.jpg 320x240 I get the result as below

OV5642 detected. Changed resolution1 to 320x240 Start capture CAM Capture Done Reading FIFO and saving IMG The length is 2792

but ,the size of picture is 0


ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago

Hi, We noticed that there is no clearing FIFO in your output. Please clear FIFO before you start capture. In addition, you can print the data read from FIFO to the terminal. If the data is jpeg data, then there may be a problem with the way you save the image.

phymatld commented 4 years ago

thanks .but how to clear FIFO? in fact ,I bought a ARDUCAM OV5642 and raspberry pi 4B ,I want to use the camera to take some photo or video.but I didn`t find any tutorial to do that ,so I use this lib to try

ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago

Are you using SPI camera on Raspberry Pi? If yes, please refer to

phymatld commented 4 years ago

of cause I try it before . but when run the command line sudo ./run_Arducam_Demo But I can't get any results, and the program won't report an error.

ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago

Hi, For PI4, please execute the following command to update the wiringpi library. image

Then you need to make the following changes in bcm283_board_driver.h: image

Finally, recompile and execute.

phymatld commented 4 years ago


according to your advise,I install the latest version of wiringpi,and change the bcm283_board_driver.h file But there's a problem.

image I connect the ARDUCAM ov5642 and pi4 according tothe picture。 image

ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago

Hi, Please refer to this connection. image

phymatld commented 4 years ago

image finally,it works! but,my mobile can not connect to the camera, I have check the IP and port 。 my mobile status is always connecting...

phymatld commented 4 years ago



here is the screenshot

ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago

Hi, Due to our negligence, there is a problem with the latest version code. Please use the code of this version. The part that needs to be modified has been explained in the reply above.


phymatld commented 4 years ago

I am sorry but I really know how to download this version of demo. can you show me the command?

phymatld commented 4 years ago

thanks for your help. I can use it now . but I still have a question ,can I use it only by mobile? can I save photoes on raspberry derecctly?

ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago


You can save images directly to the Raspberry Pi, but there is no example of directly saving images on our Raspberry Pi. We suggest you refer to the Raspberry Pi code and the Arduino version code for testing. We are very busy lately, sorry for not being able to write a detailed example for you.

phymatld commented 4 years ago

in fact, I got the code by git clone I told you that I capture a photo but the size is zero now ,I change the connection according to the picture you show ,now I got a error show as below

SPI interface error!

ArducamSupport commented 4 years ago

Hello, The repository you cloned above is an example of using the SPI camera on the Arduino platform. You can refer to the process of taking pictures and saving images, which cannot be used directly on the Raspberry Pi. Now that you have run through our reference example on the Raspberry Pi, I suggest you modify it on the run through example. In addition, the SPI interface error is either a connection error or a problem with the spi driver.