ArduCAM / Arduino

This is ArduCAM library for Arduino boards
MIT License
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How to get OV2640_2MP_PLUS to return a BMP image instead of JPEG #506

Open adamxkabbara opened 3 years ago

adamxkabbara commented 3 years ago

I am on an Arduino Leonardo r3. I am able to get the image to display in jpeg using the ArduCAM_Mini_2MP_Plus_VideoStreaming project. However, I would like to get a bitmap version of it since it is easier to work with in image processing.

BillyBee123 commented 3 years ago

The sketch you referenced demonstrates the various features of the ArduCAM, but the following two lines set the camera format to bitmap:

myCAM.set_format(BMP); myCAM.InitCAM();

If your application is for bitmap only, these should appear in the sketch setup().