ArduCAM / Arduino

This is ArduCAM library for Arduino boards
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Selecting hardware platform for Arduino tiny machine learning kit #578

Closed fatburg3r closed 6 months ago

fatburg3r commented 10 months ago

Hi, I have a arduino tiny machine learning kit.

This kit comes with a OV7675 camera and a custom Arduino shield. What hardware platform should I choose in the memorysaver.h?

Alexxakiode commented 7 months ago

Hi @fatburg3r please did you get the answer to your question? I have the same question too. Thank you

fatburg3r commented 7 months ago

Hi, I didn't use the library from ArduCam. I used this Harvard_TinyMLx ( also has the aforementioned library in it.

Alexxakiode commented 7 months ago

Thanks @fatburg3r for this. I have tried adding both to the library and still didn't work. It only worked when I commented these out:

// Checks that the Arducam library has been correctly configured // #if !(defined OV2640_MINI_2MP_PLUS) // #error Please select the hardware platform and camera module in the Arduino/libraries/ArduCAM/memorysaver.h // #endif

But I haven't been able to apply the camera for person detection

Thanks for the lead

fatburg3r commented 7 months ago

If you are doing person detection, have you tried running the example given in Harvard_TinyMLx?

Alexxakiode commented 7 months ago

Yes @fatburg3r giving me this error. Compilation error: tensorflow/lite/c/common.h: No such file or directory I am searching to see if I can locate the file 'common.h' so I can move it to the folder atm. Thank you

fatburg3r commented 7 months ago

Hmm, that's weird, it's in the Harvard_TinyMLx library

You can try manually adding the library after downloading from github.

Alexxakiode commented 7 months ago

Thank you @fatburg3r

It was in the library but because I had Arduino_TensorFlowLite-1.15.0-ALPHA also, it was seeing it as multiple libraries. I have moved the Arduino_TensorFlowLite-1.15.0-ALPHA temporarily as it has been the one working for other examples. It compiled but I still can't get the camera to work:

Person score: 107 No person score: -107 Failed to initialize camera! Image capture failed.

Is there anything else I need in addition to Shield, Arduino nano ble..., OV7675 camera please?

Thanks @fatburg3r you are such as saviour at the right time

fatburg3r commented 7 months ago

Maybe you can switch on verbose (can be found in the preference, if I remember correctly) when compiling the script, check if the correct library in the correct directory is being compiled. If that doesn't work, I don't think I have any more suggestions that can help, sorry.

As for the hardware, I believe the ones you mentioned are everything you need.

Alexxakiode commented 7 months ago

@fatburg3r it seems to be working now: Person score: 58 No person score: -58

Thank you so much!