ArduCAM / Arduino

This is ArduCAM library for Arduino boards
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Arducam and OV2640 operation #581

Open kumarchaitanyab opened 8 months ago

kumarchaitanyab commented 8 months ago

Hi @ArducamSupport ,

Arducam and OV2640 are configured in single-shot mode, and it has been observed that the camera capture time is approximately 120ms (with the sensor set to 1600x1200 resolution), while the output resolution is set to 96x96 in RGB565 format. We have been clearing the FIFO write done flag in the FIFO control register. However, when we clear the write/read FIFO pointer after each capture (by writing 0x30 to the FIFO Control register), the camera capture time reduces to 76ms, and we are able to receive the 96x96x2 image. Nevertheless, on some occasions, we have noticed that the FIFO completion bit is set, but the received bytes are significantly fewer in size, which results in an improper captured image.

Is it necessary for us to clear the FIFO write and read pointers in the FIFO control register after each capture?

Additionally, I would appreciate an explanation of the difference between bit 0 (VSYNC pin status) and bit 3 (FIFO write complete) in the Status Register (0x41).

Thank you in advance.