ArduCAM / Arduino

This is ArduCAM library for Arduino boards
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Stuck at "Start Capture" in ArduCAM_Mini_5MP_TimeElapse2SD #74

Closed NetForces closed 7 years ago

NetForces commented 7 years ago

Just got a 5MP Mini RevB and I'm trying to at least get a picture on an SD card using a Arduino UNO.

When the Arduino starts I get:

ArduCAM Start!
OV5642 detected
SD Card detected!
Start Capture

But it stays there. never reach the Capture Done!.

Any clue ?

NetForces commented 7 years ago

Looks like it may have been power related. Powering the UNO, Camera and SD from the USB port may not have been enough current.

It now goes through the "Start Capture" phase using an external 5Vdc power supply.

I'm not getting anything on my SD card, but I'll close this ticket for now and open a new one if I have other trouble.

NetForces commented 7 years ago

Ok, I'm re-opening this, it was not power, I have no clue what is wrong, none of the example work.

NetForces commented 7 years ago

Now I can get files on my SD card, but I have to kinda ground the ArduCam heatsink by touching it with my finger. If I remove my finger it stops taking captures.

The JPEG saved to the SD are also corrupted it seems as I can not open them.

NetForces commented 7 years ago

Ok, I triple check my wiring:

2016-08-14 17 19 32 jpg 2016-08-14 17-23-27

Block diagram for the connection is:


I have what I think is the most simple sketch:

// ArduCAM demo (C)2015 Lee
// web:
// This program is a demo of how to use most of the functions
// of the library with a supported camera modules, and can run on any Arduino platform.
// This demo was made for Omnivision OV5642 5MP sensor.
// It will run the ArduCAM Mini 5MP as a real 5MP digital camera, provide JPEG capture.
// The demo sketch will do the following tasks:
// 1. Set the sensor to JPEG mode.
// 2. Capture and buffer the image to FIFO every 5 seconds
// 3. Store the image to Micro SD/TF card with JPEG format in sequential.
// 4. Resolution can be changed by myCAM.OV5642_set_JPEG_size() function.
// This program requires the ArduCAM V3.4.0 (or later) library and ArduCAM Mini 5MP shield
// and use Arduino IDE 1.5.2 compiler or above

#include <SD.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <ArduCAM.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <ov5642_regs.h>
#include "memorysaver.h"

#if defined(__arm__)
#include <itoa.h>

#define SD_CS 8
// set pin 10 as the slave select for SPI:
const int SPI_CS = 10;

ArduCAM myCAM(OV5642, SPI_CS);
boolean isShowFlag = true;

void setup()
  uint8_t vid, pid;
  uint8_t temp;
#if defined(__SAM3X8E__)
  Serial.println("ArduCAM Start!");
  // set the SPI_CS as an output:
  pinMode(SPI_CS, OUTPUT);

  // initialize SPI:
  //Check if the ArduCAM SPI bus is OK
  myCAM.write_reg(ARDUCHIP_TEST1, 0x55);
  temp = myCAM.read_reg(ARDUCHIP_TEST1);
  if (temp != 0x55)
    Serial.println("SPI interface Error!");
    while (1);

  //Check if the camera module type is OV5642
  myCAM.rdSensorReg16_8(OV5642_CHIPID_HIGH, &vid);
  myCAM.rdSensorReg16_8(OV5642_CHIPID_LOW, &pid);
  if ((vid != 0x56) || (pid != 0x42))
    Serial.println("Can't find OV5642 module!");
    Serial.println("OV5642 detected");

  myCAM.write_reg(ARDUCHIP_TIM, VSYNC_LEVEL_MASK);    //VSYNC is active HIGH
  //       myCAM.OV5642_set_JPEG_size(OV5642_1280x720);
  //       myCAM.OV5642_set_JPEG_size(OV5642_1920x1080);
  //       myCAM.OV5642_set_JPEG_size(OV5642_2048x1563);
  //       myCAM.OV5642_set_JPEG_size(OV5642_2592x1944);
  //Initialize SD Card
  if (!SD.begin(SD_CS))
    while (1);    //If failed, stop here
    Serial.println("SD Card Error");
    Serial.println("SD Card detected!");

void loop()
  char str[8];
  File outFile;
  byte buf[256];
  static int i = 0;
  static int k = 0;
  static int n = 0;
  uint8_t temp, temp_last;
  uint8_t start_capture = 0;
  int total_time = 0;

  start_capture = 1;

  if (start_capture)
    //Flush the FIFO
    //Clear the capture done flag
    //Start capture
    Serial.println("Start Capture");

  while (!myCAM.get_bit(ARDUCHIP_TRIG , CAP_DONE_MASK));

  Serial.println("Capture Done!");
  //Construct a file name
  k = k + 1;
  itoa(k, str, 10);
  strcat(str, ".jpg");
  //Open the new file
  outFile =, O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
  if (! outFile)
    Serial.println("open file failed");
  total_time = millis();

  i = 0;
  temp = SPI.transfer(0x00);

  //Read JPEG data from FIFO
  while ( (temp != 0xD9) | (temp_last != 0xFF) )
    temp_last = temp;
    temp = SPI.transfer(0x00);;
    //Write image data to buffer if not full
    if (i < 256)
      buf[i++] = temp;
      //Write 256 bytes image data to file
      outFile.write(buf, 256);
      i = 0;
      buf[i++] = temp;
  //Write the remain bytes in the buffer
  if (i > 0)
    outFile.write(buf, i);
  //Close the file
  total_time = millis() - total_time;
  Serial.print("Total time used:");
  Serial.print(total_time, DEC);
  Serial.println(" millisecond");
  //Clear the capture done flag
  //Clear the start capture flag
  start_capture = 0;


The sketch runs and does same file to the SD card but only if I put my finger on the camera module heatsink... If I don't it stay stuck at "Start Capture":

ArduCAM Start!
OV5642 detected
SD Card detected!
Start Capture
Capture Done!
Total time used:224 millisecond
Start Capture
Capture Done!
Total time used:149 millisecond
Start Capture
Capture Done!
Total time used:155 millisecond
Start Capture
Capture Done!
Total time used:344 millisecond
Start Capture
Capture Done!
Total time used:324 millisecond
Start Capture
Capture Done!
Total time used:228 millisecond

But the files on the SDcard and not recongnize as JPEG and if I look at the hex dump of the file it makes no sense:


aldobranti commented 7 years ago

I too find problems with my Arducam unless I can "earth" the kit with with a finger tip.

NetForces commented 7 years ago

@aldobranti If you "earth" the heatsink, do you get readable JPEG ?

@ArduCAM anything for us to try ?

aldobranti commented 7 years ago

No, by earthing the kit - it just gets that much further through the startup sequence. Arbitrary routines like set jpeg size or init cam just hang. On an issue I raised (#72) I just (today) posted some code to try and avoid a premature end to the jpeg file but it looks as if the whole structure in the fifo is badly out and the parsing code doesnt stand a chance

NetForces commented 7 years ago

@aldobranti looks exactly the same as me.

aldobranti commented 7 years ago

which makes me think : the real annoying thing for me is that @arducam's demonstration code seems to run correctly and generates a jpeg ( most of the time) -- my arducam is by now wrapped up nicely in its mesh faraday cage ( to stop it messing with a GPS ). So I have to press the shutter button on the shield through the mesh, leaning on the mesh which of course makes like an earthing action. Stresses that no DC electrical action passes to the shutter button. So maybe his code is not so tight and perfect and it's just when I try to package up the arducam with all the other trickery that I'm running into these EMI / RFI problems

ArduCAM commented 7 years ago

@aldobranti and @NetForces The ArduCAM shield doesn't need any earthing, but make sure your SPI bus should be handle carefully with shielding or grounding. Because with long cables which will cause glitches on SPI and corrupt the JPEG image data via transfer from the shield to Arduino board. So it is highly recommend connect the shield to Arduino directly or with short and better jumping wires.

aldobranti commented 7 years ago

@Arducam, the revC shield straps directly onto the mega 2560, so I cannot make it any shorter ;) I do not program the SPI , Do you have any beef with running this on a 2560 ?

ArduCAM commented 7 years ago

@aldobranti, Yes I have tried the Rev.C shield with Meage2560 R3 board here. Can you show me the photo of your setup, is there any other device shareing the I2C or SPI bus? What kind of example sketch you are using? Did you save any files that has corrupt JPEG images? I can help you analysis the image tomorrow.

aldobranti commented 7 years ago

I put one up on #72 -- not wishing to hijack this thread #74 ( total apologies @NetForces )

NetForces commented 7 years ago

@ArduCAM As you can see in the picture my module is connected directly on my Uno. My power and GND to the modules as well as my SD card wires could be shorter. I'll make something with a proto shield and they will be really short to see if it has an impact.

Attached is one of my bad JPEG file.


@aldobranti no probem, but @ArduCAM please check my issue as well ;-)

JoeSouthern commented 7 years ago

I'm having related but not exactly the same issues. I'm further than you are but have my own issues that you too may run into later. I'm making a post, but ran across yours.

A few things that I did when I was having initial problems.

One is you aren't getting the FF D8 at the beginning nor the FF D9 at the end - so clearly your files won't work. (See below - I did find you do have the FF D9).

  1. In your example - I don't see a pinMode(cameraChipSelect, OUTPUT); I have that in mine.
  2. Also, I changed these buf[i++] = temp; to buf[i] = temp; i++; I honestly think that was ok, but I was testing relating to my issue. I tested this in C# and it works, but .. anyway..i just haven't written it like that before.
  3. Your use of myCAM1.CS_HIGH(); and myCAM1.CS_LOW(); prior to your writes - I 'think' are unnecessary. I tried using them, but it didn't seem to make any difference. In my struggles, they actually didn't help in some of my tests.
  4. I found there were two grounds on my sd card and I grounded them both. That was an issue. You don't seem to have that on yours.
  5. In using an external 5V - make sure all parts ground together. Even when you think they should already be grounded - I took no chances and then it would work. So something funky going on. I didn't see a diagram on the 5V external integration, but that tripped me up for awhile.
  6. I looked at your file. If you scan it you'll see there is an FF D8 in it. And the file actually ends with an FF D9. So, that part is right. I removed the part before the FF D8 but you don't have the rest of the headers in there so some issue still ... but the things above may help you.

I'm going to do my own post, but basically I get files being written to the SD card just fine. If it should be bout 20K I get 20K. The start with FF D8 and end with FF D9 and most of the header stuff seems fine. I can capture the camera via a PC Serial capture and the files are fine. My issue is that the files on my SD card have something happening in the middle, but something very very subtle as the rest of the file looks ok.

Anyway, I hope my setup stuff helps you although as I said, I'm having my own issues. You can look for my post if you want more detail on mine.

aldobranti commented 7 years ago

@JoeSouthern thanks I nearly always get ffD9 at the end as the loop is set to terminate that way. Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

-----Original Message----- From: JoeSouthern Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 09:52:57 To: ArduCAM/ Reply-To: ArduCAM/Arduino Cc:; Subject: Re: [ArduCAM/Arduino] Stuck at "Start Capture" in ArduCAM_Mini_5MP_TimeElapse2SD (#74)

I'm having related but not exactly the same issues. I'm further than you are but have my own issues that you too may run into later. I'm making a post, but ran across yours.

A few things that I did when I was having initial problems.

One is you aren't getting the FF D8 at the beginning nor the FF D9 at the end - so clearly your files won't work. (See below - I did find you do have the FF D9).

  1. In your example - I don't see a pinMode(cameraChipSelect, OUTPUT); I have that in mine.
  2. Also, I changed these buf[i++] = temp; to buf[i] = temp; i++; I honestly think that was ok, but I was testing relating to my issue. I tested this in C# and it works, but .. anyway..i just haven't written it like that before.
  3. Your use of myCAM1.CS_HIGH(); and myCAM1.CS_LOW(); prior to your writes - I 'think' are unnecessary. I tried using them, but it didn't seem to make any difference. In my struggles, they actually didn't help in some of my tests.
  4. I found there were two grounds on my sd card and I grounded them both. That was an issue. You don't seem to have that on yours.
  5. In using an external 5V - make sure all parts ground together. Even when you think they should already be grounded - I took no chances and then it would work. So something funky going on. I didn't see a diagram on the 5V external integration, but that tripped me up for awhile.
  6. I looked at your file. If you scan it you'll see there is an FF D8 in it. And the file actually ends with an FF D9. So, that part is right. I removed the part before the FF D8 but you don't have the rest of the headers in there so some issue still ... but the things above may help you.

I'm going to do my own post, but basically I get files being written to the SD card just fine. If it should be bout 20K I get 20K. The start with FF D8 and end with FF D9 and most of the header stuff seems fine. I can capture the camera via a PC Serial capture and the files are fine. My issue is that the files on my SD card have something happening in the middle, but something very very subtle as the rest of the file looks ok.

Anyway, I hope my setup stuff helps you although as I said, I'm having my own issues. You can look for my post if you want more detail on mine.

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NetForces commented 7 years ago

@JoeSouthern Thanks for the share I'll try what you suggested.

NetForces commented 7 years ago

@ArduCAM I just tried the OSX capture application with the proper sketch, but it also locks at "CAM start single shoot."


Any hints ?

NetForces commented 7 years ago

@ArduCAM is this project still maintained/supported ? I find that waiting multiple days for any feedback discouraging. Anyway to get better direct support ?

ArduCAM commented 7 years ago

@NetForce, Sorry for my late response. the camera locks at "CAM start single shoot." means there is no proper VSYNC signal from the sensor. It may not well initialized before you issue a capture command. Would you please let me know what kind of example and arduino board you are using?

NetForces commented 7 years ago

As explained above I tried pretty much all OV5642 examples, mainly the ones to save to SD and the one to capture from the computer. I'm using a genuine Arduino Uno R3. I even tried 2 boards fresh out of their boxes.

ArduCAM commented 7 years ago

@NetForce, As I mentioned in other threads, the host application only work with example. The SD card example can't work with host application, it is stand alone example.

NetForces commented 7 years ago

I copied that exact link code in a new Arduino sketch and it still does not work. Does the same and hangs at "CAM start single shoot."

Note that I do have to add the line:

#include <ov5642_regs.h>

Or else the Arduino compiler does not find the equates.

Also I'm using Arduino IDE 1.6.9 if that makes any difference.

NetForces commented 7 years ago

Latest attempt:

arducam_mini 2016-08-19 21-54-31

ArduCAM commented 7 years ago

@NetForces, The this no completion of the capture process means the hardware can not detect a complete image frame from the sensor. Have you ever tried in Windows with windows host app V1.0? If problem still exsit please contact for replacement.

ArduCAM commented 7 years ago

This might be the probem, you need to modify the memorysaver.h manually in the library to uncomment the line #define OV5642_CAM instead of add the header file yourself.

NetForces commented 7 years ago

@ArduCAM It works !

Why didn't I see that you needed to edit memorysaver.h anywhere in the documentation ?

ArduCAM commented 7 years ago

@NetForce, Congratulations! I think I need to update the user guide soon.

diegoto commented 7 years ago

buenas, NetForces, tengo el mismo problema que tu, lo solucionastes?

diegoto commented 7 years ago

Good, I need to take photos with my arducam ov 5642 and save the photos in a sd, can someone tell me the steps, connection and code? I would be very grateful. Thank you

NetForces commented 7 years ago

@diegoto you need to change the file memorysaver.h of the library and uncomment the #define OV5642_CAM line

diegoto commented 7 years ago

gracias NetForces, voy a probar y te digo!!!

diegoto commented 7 years ago

no he podido borrando lo que me has dicho, si realizo el conexionado de tu foto, deberia de funcionarme NetForces?

diegoto commented 7 years ago

podrias mandarme tu direccion de email, y hablamos porai mejor, sino te importa claro esta!!

diegoto commented 7 years ago


C:\Users\Diego-PC\Desktop\myCAM\myCAM.ino: In function 'void loop()':

myCAM:116: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'get_bit'

while (!myCAM.get_bit(ARDUCHIP_TRIG , CAP_DONE_MASK));


myCAM:133: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'CS_LOW'



myCAM:134: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'set_fifo_burst'



myCAM:148: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'CS_HIGH'



myCAM:152: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'CS_LOW'



myCAM:153: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'set_fifo_burst'



myCAM:159: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'CS_HIGH'



exit status 1 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'get_bit'

NetForces commented 7 years ago

@diegoto you will have to write in english cause I don't speak/read spanish.

diegoto commented 7 years ago


NetForces commented 7 years ago

Also all capital letters is considered screaming which will get you in trouble.

diegoto commented 7 years ago

ok, sorry

diegoto commented 7 years ago

Previously, I commented in Spanish, that I did what you told me about the library, and my problem starts in the next line of code, with the following errors, you know to tell me that these errors are due?

You managed to take photos and save them in the SD?

diegoto commented 7 years ago

This is the line of your code from which, gives me the error, followed by the following errors that I will send below, which appear in the lower window of the arduino program

while (!myCAM.get_bit(ARDUCHIP_TRIG , CAP_DONE_MASK));

NetForces commented 7 years ago

Been a while but yes. Used the code and wiring I posted on Aug 14th above in this ticket. Are you sure your using the latest version of the ArduCam library ?

diegoto commented 7 years ago

These are the errors that appear to me

C:\Users\Diego-PC\Desktop\myCAM\myCAM.ino: In function 'void loop()':

myCAM:116: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'get_bit'

while (!myCAM.get_bit(ARDUCHIP_TRIG , CAP_DONE_MASK));


myCAM:133: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'CS_LOW'



myCAM:134: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'set_fifo_burst'



myCAM:148: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'CS_HIGH'



myCAM:152: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'CS_LOW'



myCAM:153: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'set_fifo_burst'



myCAM:159: error: 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'CS_HIGH'



exit status 1 'class ArduCAM' has no member named 'get_bit'

diegoto commented 7 years ago

I am honestly not sure of using the latest version, where could you download it to me?

diegoto commented 7 years ago

is the v3.4.0?

NetForces commented 7 years ago

I'm using v4.0.2 and the latest version is v4.1.0 (You can see the version in the ArduCAM.h file.

diegoto commented 7 years ago

ok, thank you

diegoto commented 7 years ago

It seems that the other problems were taken away with what you told me netforces, but now this other appears to me, you know to tell me what is due? Thanks in advance

C:\Users\Diego-PC\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduCAM/memorysaver.h:1:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #Ifndef



C:\Users\Diego-PC\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduCAM/memorysaver.h:2:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #Definir



In file included from C:\Users\Diego-PC\Desktop\myCAM\myCAM.ino:22:0:

C:\Users\Diego-PC\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduCAM/memorysaver.h:25:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #Si

Si (definida (ARDUCAM_SHIELD_REVC) || definido (ARDUCAM_SHIELD_V2))


C:\Users\Diego-PC\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduCAM/memorysaver.h:42:3: error: #endif without #if



C:\Users\Diego-PC\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduCAM/memorysaver.h:44:3: error: invalid preprocessing directive #Endif



exit status 1 Error compilación en tarjeta Arduino/Genuino Uno.

diegoto commented 7 years ago

I do not know because I get some lyrics like that, sorry

NetForces commented 7 years ago

Use the "Insert code" button in the editor when your pasting stuff like code or compiler output or else it's really hard to read.