ArduCAM / MIPI_Camera

223 stars 107 forks source link Unexpected Results and mode failure #157

Open vmonette opened 1 year ago

vmonette commented 1 year ago

Hello! I have some issue when I try to use the code on my RPi 4b with the arducam ov-9281. Btw, when I try to see a preview of the camera using arducamstill, it works, so I'm pretty sure I don't have a hardware problem.

When I run the code, here's the output:

Open camera...
Found sensor ov9281 at address 60
Setting the resolution...
mmal: Failed to fix lens shading, use the default mode!
Current resolution is (1280, 800)
Reset the focus...
reset_control: Unexpected result.
The camera may not support this control.
Enable Auto Exposure...
Enable Auto White Balance...
software_auto_white_balance: Unexpected result.
mmal: Enable JPEG encoder.

I see a few error in there, so if you have any idea how the solve some of these, I will be grateful.

Thanks for your time! :)