ArduCAM / MIPI_Camera

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Cannot install Ar0234 driver in Jetson Orin nano (L4T 35.4.1 Jetpack 5.1.2) #186

Open jackwei86 opened 7 months ago

jackwei86 commented 7 months ago

hi.there I have checked the dtb file genrated by driver(arducam-nvidia-l4t-kernel-t234-nano-5.10.120-tegra-35.4.1-20230809074912_arm64.deb). The dtb file is not match my Orin nano .

The prefix name of driver generated dtb file is tegra234-p3767-0003-p4768-0000-a0-user-custom.dtb My current board used is tegra234-p3767-0004-p4768-0000-a0.dtb.

It seems the driver is older than my current dtb version.

I have tried to modify the install python script (/opt/arducm/jeston-io/Utils/ line 117 ) to skip dtb compatible check and install the driver successfully.After reboot the board ,i run the script /opt/jetson-io/ to configure the 24pin csi as arducam connector and save changes. After all this steps,the cmd "sudo v4l2-ctl --list-devices" show "cannot open device /dev/video0" , it seems the board still can not find the camera connected.

Should i wait for any driver version updates or anyone has any suggestions?

Thanks for any replies.

jackwei86 commented 7 months ago

I have tried to install the arducam-nvidia-l4t-kernel-t234-nano-5.10.120-tegra-35.4.1-20230809074912_arm64.deb in my new Jetson Orin 8G which the P-Number is p3767-0003. The carrier board dtb version is exactly matching the driver required. But the camera cannot work. The cmd "sudo v4l2-ctl --list-devices" still shows"cannot open device /dev/video0,exiting".

Dion4cen commented 5 months ago

Can you connect this camrea to another camera port on your Jerson Orin carrier board?

The cmd "sudo v4l2-ctl --list-devices" still shows "cannot open device /dev/video0,exiting".